This is my blog of broken dreams... not really. Just me posting shit to the internet. It's not all shit. Some of it is really cool shit! Parental Guidance is strongly advised. Mostly because kids might need help reading some of this shit. Shit be all fucked up.

To Catch A Catphish – How-To

Recently I got a message from someone I was following on Twitter for something rather silly. Originally I followed the person after they liked one of my posts. At the time I thought, “Sure, I’ll follow this person.” Well after liking a funny post about hard nipples from it being cold, this person messaged me. Well here’s a video to help you figure out if someone is Catphish-ing you.

The CatPhish:

I leave it up to you “The Internet”. Since Twitter isn’t very good at stopping Catphish, you do it. :-D

SyKart Runs On My Birthday

Had an enjoyable day on my birthday at SyKart Tigard, OR. I was happy to know that I’m still decent at racing around a track and having a ton a of fun. The track is has a few technical corners with a few high speed sections that are very fun to give it all she got.

All in all, my times when like this:
First run: 32.783
Second run: 32.307
Third run: 31.879

So at least I improved over the course of the day. :-D

Next time I go though I think I’m going to stick with the view from my GoPro that I started with which was a bit higher. The last two runs were just a little too low lol Oh wells.

Thank you for checking out the video. If you liked anything you saw here, please consider hitting the sub button. This way you can be alerted when I upload stuff.

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nerdgasm in a box. It’s great fun and only $13.37+SH. Well worth the fun.

CharlieBoy’s fun with a GoPro:

What are the effects?

What are the effects? We as a race just can’t seem to get it’s shit together. I think in just the last few months, move lives have been lost due to stupidity and selfish actions than ever before.

In Somalia, a truck bombing killed hundreds. FUCKING HUNDREDS!  In Las Vegas, one asshole decided that he was going to shoot into a crowd of people enjoying a concert. He killed more than 50 people. Puerto Rico, British Virgin Islands, Florida, Texas, all devestated by multiple hurricanes.

Only one of these things is beyond our control and that is the weather. We can only protect those that would be in harms way as much as possible.  What about the rest? What about the violence? Why is the world so quick to react with violence?

So many damn questions and not enough answers. Sometimes it feels like oppresion would be easier than what we have today. Not all the time of course but it’s the stories that get reported that just makes you wonder, “Can this world ever know what peace is?” People sing it during the holidays, over and over with songs like Joy to the World but it feels like it falls on deaf ears.

I don’t know what the answers are and I don’t feel like anyone has the right answer no matter what the circumstance. What I do believe is that the world needs to get it’s shit together or we may just end up extinct like the dinosaurs. Only difference is that it won’t be a meteor that takes us out, it’ll be ourselves.


Is the world on fire or is it just me?

It’s hard to understand this world when it’s always a complete shit storm. Currently there are fires all along the West Coast of the country. There is a seriously terrible situation going on in Texas after Hurricane Harvey tore through. However, now there is also now Hurricane Irma that is following almost right along the same path.

It’s not as bad here but it’s still bad in it’s own way as the fires around Eagle Creek have spread well over 4800 acres. The National Weather Service said that the spread is actually going to get worse before it has a chance for it to get any better. I know that it’s stupid to think this, but Sunday morning after I had finished work, I wanted to wash my car because it was covered in dirt from all the construction going on across from my apartment. Now my car however, is covered in ash. Much like my patio is in the photo below:

I believe in California, around 19 wild fires are burning up and down the state causing serious trouble. It’s also troubling knowing that here on the West Coast we were so happy for all the snow fall/packs that happened this past winter. Now it seems a lot of that water is going to be used to try and put out the fires.

It’s so hard to grasp how bad it really truly is around the world. We have wars, poverty, hunger, natural disasters, and more that it makes me wonder if the human race was always fated to be doomed.

It’s an ugly sky this morning here in Oregon. Forest fires got the sky looking like So.Cal. LOL #nofilter

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Oh wells. It’s like they say, “We’ll all be dead someday.”