Where have I been?! [The W @anuheajams The Shack]

Alright so where or what have I been doing? Well not to much of nothing really, just trying to sort out some things. I have started out a new tuesday night event that you all need to be a part of! Every Tuesday Night will be Shirtless Tuesdays!

Your probably wondering right now “WTF is Shirtless Tuesdays?” Well honestly, it started out as me just mixing on webcam with out a shirt on then in one night it turned in to a Shirtless Event in the chat room. Trying to figure out what I mean? Here look at this.

Shirtless dudes. Oh wells, it attracts the ladies lol

Anyways on to the partying!!!

It was a Giant Birthday Party for two of my peeps. They went all out with a party at The W! I got pics to prove it! Plus I ran into way more people that miss me in the scene then Jesus… ok mayb, maybe not lol.

@hnygirl2000 and her brother Sean were out and about at the party

Wild Wild Wes lol always making funny faces lol

G-Man! Thanks for the drink buddy! I’ll see ya next time I go Z-Bar buddy!

Da Birthday Girl! @princessdani i hadn’t seen her in ages so it was so good to see her there!

Her man was trying to avoid photos but I got one anyways lol so yes @princessdani does get two lol

I saw Jen!! long time friend from High School that I haven’t seen in ages either… well this whole party was full of people I haven’t seen in ages lol, but Jen ranks High on that list of people I was very happy to see out!

Holy shit! Fly Guy Urusai? Rockin’ an Ed Hardy T-Shirt? Hmm… I’m confused… really? When asked he said, “I didn’t buy it, but I like it.” Well stated homie and no he would never buy it himself LOL.

Wait… but who is that he talking to? IT’S SHELEEN!!

Wow another stunner… Wayson came out! lol It’s been a while since I saw this dude out and about. LOL

Yes its upside down and its because I was kinda tipsy already lol but anyways it’s time for the shots!!!

Hanson’s birthday too so here’s to all of them! lol

Ms. DoSomeThingTonight.com was out and about @la_cutie

Alright moving on a couple of weeks. Twitter is a great place to learn a lot of things and well it also goes to show that it can also pay off to do some getting to know people if you have yourself an awesome album! So I went to go see @anuheajams play at Pipeline Cafe on May 8th. It was epic! Not a lot of people came for the main act but that was ok because we were all there to support Anuhea. It was great seeing her perform on stage along with Ooklah coming up right after her.

I’m going to rush through these since I got a lot of stuff to finish LOL

The following Saturday I went over to The Shack to check out the Vertical Junkies who had Go Jimmy Go play a live set.

@hnygirl2000 wanted to have a night out so she came along yay!

Ordered some Ribs and Fries YAY!

I made a fireball in my hands lol

@djmaleko was there

Go Jimmy Go took to the stage bringing the house down!

They were getting everybody skankin or what ever kinda dancing they could come up with lol

@hnygirl2000’s brother came out! sup! \m//(^_^)

DJ Audissey in the mix the whole night

@realdealreed helping to close the place up.

Yeah… it was looking like this the whole night lol

Favorite moment of the night… It’s just funny thats all lol

Well thats that! I hope u enjoyed it! TwEeTuP! 2NITE!! Little Oven! every Thursday night lol K Den!

About CharlieBoy808

This is my blog of broken dreams... not really. Just me posting shit to the internet. It's not all shit. Some of it is really cool shit! Parental Guidance is strongly advised. Mostly because kids might need help reading some of this shit. Shit be all fucked up.
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