Well this is a new one and I just had to try it out. So here’s a new replacement for Destiny as the community is calling it. From what we know, Destiny’s last expansion has been released and there isn’t anymore coming out for the game. So what do you move on to now? A new looter shooter but with booba and a lil pay to win? Is it pay to win? No one can give me a straight answer. 24/7/7.2 — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/charlieboy808
Author: CharlieBoy808
Seriously had no idea what we were doing tonight LOL | !shop
So, this is what happens when you can’t figure out what the hell you gonna play for the night LOL. Eventually we settled on DbD at least for this part of the stream. 24/7/7 — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/charlieboy808
Summer Vacation Part 6 – So WTH we gonna do now? | !shop
WE ARE HERE!!! THE FINAL STRETCH!!! — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/charlieboy808
Summer Vacation Part 5 – The Crossover Content has just begun | !shop
We all had a feeling that the xpac was going to lean into some FFIX, but damn!!! The music got me right from the start and now we’re here. — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/charlieboy808
Summer Vacation Part 4 (Well we’ve been on an emotional rollercoaster so far) | !shop
Everything was going just fine!!!! Then all hell just broke loose. 2024/07/01 — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/charlieboy808
Summer Vacation Part 3 (There are some heads we need to remove…) | !shop
I swear, this expansion is making want to remove some heads from some people in the story for being so mean!! 2024/06/30 — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/charlieboy808
Summer Vacation Adventure Day (night?) 2! | !shop
We’re on our way to finding out more about this new adventure. MY EMOTIONS!! AHHHH THEY ARE SO HAPPY!! 2024/06/29 — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/charlieboy808
A new adventure begins in the next expansion of Final Fantasy XIV – Dawntrail 2024/06/28 — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/charlieboy808
We went really Dark after Hyperkind’s disappointment in my intrusive thoughts. | !shop
The Druid is not over powered but… IT'S GREAT!!! — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/charlieboy808
This is not going to go well tonight. | !shop
HAHAHAHAHAHA I mean what else is there to say? Things did not go well. — Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/charlieboy808