Wow! Microsoft’s Concept Idea Courier

So, I’ve decided to do a little more than just post photo blogs here. Mostly because I been thinking that I would love to share my thoughts and ideas about stuff going on around the world. Well since I have a blog that people actually check out from time to time I’m going to start posting up some stuff that interests me! SO :-p

Anyways, I was going through my Google Reader today and I came across this article from engadget about a concept idea from Microsoft called the Courier. The idea is like having a little touch-screen “book” at about a netbook size. So no it won’t fit in your pocket (unless you rockin’ some old school Junco pants) and it’s not like an iPad. Both screens are touch screen giving you the freedom to do stuff on both sides. Now from the video that engadget has on their site, the concept looks to work well with people who are designers of all types. Of course this is just a concept and I’m sure it doesn’t stop there.

Now comes my opinion on the concept. Engadget did not touch on this part, but the Courier in the video was being used as a book, journal, address book, and a camera while staying in the book orientation. Well I think, what if you turn it and have one screen up and the other as a keyboard/touchpad/multi-touch surface for applications.

Anyways check out the post on their site here!

About CharlieBoy808

This is my blog of broken dreams... not really. Just me posting shit to the internet. It's not all shit. Some of it is really cool shit! Parental Guidance is strongly advised. Mostly because kids might need help reading some of this shit. Shit be all fucked up.
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