365 Days Project On Again!

So if your wondering, "what happened? why are you at day 158 and not day 142?" Well the truth is that someone stole my Point and Shoot camera so I was with out a camera!! So I decided that I’m going to start from the day that it should be. It just doesn’t seem fair to the date really. Mostly since when I get to the end of this the dates a year from now won’t match up at all. Next year I hope I can do this again and I’ll try not to get my camera’s stolen. Like I have any control over that but yeah.

Day 158 – @KristiKubota’s Bday (Pic 142)

Anyways about the photo! Friday was Kristi’s birthday party at The W! It was a great birthday party! Check out the blog post

Day 159 – A festival? Across the street? (Day 143)

The “Rediscover Makiki” festival was being held right outside my window and as cool as that was boy was it noisey. Good thing I didn’t stay home the first night because they were play Madagascar 2 on a giant screen and I could hear every word of it. It was cool to see, but the grass is all F’d up now lol

Day 160 – MJ’s got this guys back LOL (Pic 144)

Went and took a ride around with @gnelle sunday to hang out and stuff and we drove past the smooth criminals mural. This guy just so happen to be standing in the right spot at the right time lol. Well if it wasn’t for the people in the background taking a pic too it would be flawless, but I wanted to capture this guy with MJ’s arm around him. LOL so cool HAHA

Day 161 – Laundry day… (Pic 145)

Yay… laundry (can u sense the sarcasm in there some where…) Yeah and I have to do all of it before I go to work… Work Work Work i want more play play play! LOL

Day 162 – Coconut M&Ms? (Pic 146)

yes thats what it says… it’s ok. tastes like lil mini mounds lol but its missing that real coconut flavor. like they should actually fill it with some sort of shredded coconut or something lol

Day 163 – My New view (Pic 147)

It’s not as spectacular as my last place but it’ll do. I would be happier if i didn’t have these stupid windows and had some kinda big glass or something lol Well when my financial situation gets better I’m going to look into buying.

So that’s it so far. I really love all of you who stuck in there with me. It’s been a long road back to where I want to be and soon there will be more, but for now I have to stick with what I have. I just hope I make enough money with all of this to survive again. Can’t just have one job in this dying economy.


About CharlieBoy808

This is my blog of broken dreams... not really. Just me posting shit to the internet. It's not all shit. Some of it is really cool shit! Parental Guidance is strongly advised. Mostly because kids might need help reading some of this shit. Shit be all fucked up.
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