via Flickr http://flic.kr/p/pXEZ9H
via Flickr http://flic.kr/p/pXEZ9H
via Flickr http://flic.kr/p/qUio9c
So today was an interesting set of events. I had been working on a few things and I felt like I needed some air. So I walk out of my office and everyone is all talking about a fire. “What’s going on?” I ask.
“Oh you didn’t hear?” one person replies, “The Rancheros Bridge is on fire.”
“You mean the one they are building out by Oak Hills?” So I asked if they wanted some pictures and our GM said yes. So off I go in our truck and oh boy the traffic of people driving around. Of course, I’m driving a truck. So as I got passed most of the main roads I started to come up to people stuck in traffic. I look around and find dirt roads and take myself to the incident in less than 30 mins. I’m pretty proud of myself. I navigated my way around in the middle of nowhere.
Via Flickr:
Seriously, sometimes I haven’t got things done because of this dude right here. Also, if I let you die in WoW as tank it’s probably his fault. It’s ok though he’s too cute anyways. Just every so often when he decides to just lay across my arms it’s not so fun hahaha
Via Flickr:
Let’s face it. Some places really are worth exploring and having a 4×4 at your disposal to get there is an absolute pleasure. Today we went on a photo hunt for @partyallmyown’s Photoshop class. So I thought I’d take her some place no one in her class would ever go to shoot a photo. One, because the path to take is a serious pain in the ass. Two, because usually no one is up there. Number one was true today, number two not so much. Wasn’t expecting to see anyone up here working on a tower but what ever. I got to check some of our equipment and take some awesome photos up here. Also, it’s funny how scared people get when they are in the passenger seat being dragged up a super bumpy ass road on the side of a mountain.