Big Wednesday Night… [Aji House, Ryan’s, and Big Wednesdays]

WASSUP PEOPLE!!! Hey ok so like today is a good day! Why you ask? Well I checked the mail and this giant catalog from BHPHOTOVIDEO came in!!

Anyways yesterday was a pretty busy day for camera work. I had taken a couple shots of Frank and Mandy for a magazine ad. When you see it go buy a bunch of copies! Be on the look out for this one!!

Alright now on to the night life of it all!!! (of course after the fold hahaha!!!)

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Weekend Recap [Pipeline, Xyloh, and Fashion 45]

…Well excluding Sunday, but hey! I gotta work. Here we go on with the post. First up on the mound disappointment. this is very sad… DIFFERENT RIMS FTL!!!

Pipeline!! It was a great night with Slick Vic being there when I showed up, then I go upstairs and Kaleo is sitting up stairs. Sweet now it’s a party. But wait! ISLAND BABEZ GALORE!!! WHOA!!! About eight Island Babez models were in the building and that was sweet!! Now it’s a PARTY!!! So on with the pics!

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[PICS] The Week Recap [Cinco de Mayo, Big Wednesdays, Recess, Champions Sports Bar and Foreplay Fridays]

It looks like this is going to be a regular theme for me. A weekly recap of what I did. LOL oh wells I guess its just something that can’t be controlled. Well like the title says there are five parties to go through so here we go! but first… A funny parody hehe (and now that i got this youtube plugin i don’t have to worry about it screwing something up :)


So on with the pics! After the fold.

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Catching up… Recess, Thirsty Thursdays, and Foreplay Friday

A little artistic shot from Luka Skracic. A slow calming change. Anyway, lots of pics have been put up today up on this site and Da Bomb website from Brandon Leong at last week’s events.

Partying was in the air this week. Let me start out with Recess at Venus. I went there for Dani’s 2nd edition of her 6th annual 21st Birthday. Did that make any sense? Funny story though, I get there and she had already left haha its all good though.

A reaction I got pretty often on Wednesday was, “CHARLIE!!! WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!!!” Sorry peoples, it’s been kinda hard for me to get out on a Wednesday night with my crazy day schedule. I’m going to try and make it out more on Wednesdays. No worries peoples.

Pic of the night! “Eww… Sweaty People!!”

More after the fold!

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HawaiiREDMagazine Premier Party / The New Foreplay Fridays

HI ALL! I just thought I’d throw down an artistic shot to reflect my life as of right now. Life has thrown me many opportunities and many road blocks this month, but I’m pushing through. Lets just say I’m trying to keep work, work and my hobbies, my hobbies. Anyways its PARTY TIME!!!

So Friday I went to a special party for at Pearl Ultralounge. Flash and Matty Boy Present were there with their weekly party The Candy Bar and I must say, not a bad party! Good if your looking to party some where the 21+ can really party in a really nice spot. It was the first time I’ve ever gone to Pearl because I hate rocking dress shoes. Anyways, I’m glad I went though the party was off the chain and people were really really cool. So on with the Pics!

So here are all the important people of HawaiiREDMagazine

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The long awaited post… Aji House/Big Wed/Recess

Yeah I know I’ve been missing for a little while. Lets just say here is a video that will make sense for how I’ve been this week.

Anyways here I am now posting up what I’ve been doing.First up! Aji House! So I was at home (on MySpace of course) and I noticed a bulletin post from Lisa about a $10 presale buffet for Aji House at Xyloh. Well let me just say this… I was very very pleased with the food. But first the details:Aji House @ Xyloh
Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday
6p – 9p
$10 Pre-Sale & $15 at the door.

It’s an all you can eat buffet that is Fantastic! but I’ll let the pictures tell the story.

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The crazy week is finally coming to an end…

…and omg has it been crazy. Picture to the left from photographer CCBImages on Flickr. The image just explains the way my week has been going. I’ll go through the list for ya’ll so you know the stress I been dealing with.

MONDAY! – We start out the week by my girl friend Gwynnelle flying out to Las Vegas, leaving me by myself alone for a week. I however dealt with it since I went to Sacramento for two weeks. NEXT!

That night my cable wasn’t working, I thought that there was something wrong in the area or something (its oceanic… when does it ever work.)

More after the fold

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No Cameras Allowed…

As was the case last night where I went to. Well it wasn’t about cameras really, it was more about my camera. So I borrowed my girl friends point-and-shoot which they didn’t seem to care about. HAHA. Little did they know that I would still post up the pics on my site anyways. By the way, the line “Its what I do,” didn’t seem to phase the guy at all.

I bet your wondering, “So where did you go last night?” and “What place wouldn’t let CharlieBoy take some pictures in?” Well I’m not saying to be politically correct about it and not step on anyone’s feet. So I’ll post up the pics and you figure it out. I have to add that it was pretty freakin’ cold in there last night too… WTF. I can think of a few places that need better A/C and should be talking to them about COLD!!!

OH! but before we get to the pics, tune in and listen to me on air today from 4-8pm on Da Bomb! and if your nice to me i’ll give you tickets to see 50 cent live or maybe even tonight’s big event at pipeline with FLO RIDA!!!

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