#POTD 047/366: (February 16) Oh you know, just hanging out on top of a building on top of a mountain. Nothing scary here. Just doing my thing. Work continuing at the tower site. In this moment, I needed to mount an antenna to the roof for GPS. Good times.

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#POTD 046/366: Doing a bit of catch up again as it’s been a busy week. (February 15) Up on the mountain again, this shot taken after at least four hours of wiring, configuring, and testing I walk out and see these colors on the terrain. I couldn’t help it, I had to take a picture. Wow.

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#POTD 045/366: Finally got the chance to see Deadpool this weekend. It did not disappoint. Holy Shit the violence, the jokes, the fourth wall, Al, it was all so good. I can’t say much more than this was the role that @vancityreynolds has been brewing to play throughout his career. Van Wilder? He looks like a little bitch compared to Deadpool.

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#POTD 044/366: There are moments where you realize just how small and insignificant you really are. Like when you come across a truck with tires about as tall as a one story building. I did make a video from this adventure, so check it out http://charlieboy808.com

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#POTD 042/366: That moment of, “Well Shit” when something breaks. It was a busy day when the fan broke in a piece of equipment. I think fans in equipment are really important when it comes to something putting out 1500 watts of power. Well at least we have the backup up and running.

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#POTD 040/366: Had to come to LA to do some work for the corporate office and oh boy, I don’t know how you all survive this crazy traffic congested city. 20 minutes to go a few blocks is crazy. LOL I did find a hotel in Korea Town which made me feel a little better. Here’s a cool lil mall there. They have a theater that shows current movies from Korea. I went for Curry House though hahaha

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#POTD 038/366: Superbowl Sunday. It’s a day for football around the world. Except before hand where me and a couple friends decided to try out hands at tabletop gaming. This was a game of #Pathfinder. It was fun and interesting. Many Natural 1s were rolled but I had the most kills. LOL

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