Author: CharlieBoy808
Day 039/365: Another day at the tower
Day 038/365: The Walking Dead is over but GoT is on
So nothing really too monumental about today. I took some other photographs but they are for work stuff and I don’t feel like posting that. I had a thought when I got home though about taking a pic of my little dead girl from The Walking Dead Vinyl Collection. I thought about the fact that the show is between seasons and I can’t wait. However, Game of Thrones is on now but that week wait is just a killer. The stories that I get into really have me at the edge of my seat all the time and I really wish I could just watch TV all the time. Oh wells.
Day 037/365: A magnificent relic
Some might get mad at me for calling it that but honestly, it is what it is. When was the last time some of you went to see a movie at the Drive-In? Honestly. I can’t even remember the last movie I saw at Kam Drive-In in Aiea. It could be close to 20 years now. I’ve been told that this one particular Drive-In is actually still functional but as more movies go to a digital distribution, places like these are becoming more and more extinct. I don’t mean DVD/Bluray/Piracy, I mean digital distribution. If you go to a modern movie theater and look at the projector, there are no more reels of film anymore. It is now digitally delivered to a theater over the internet. Piracy was one reason this is becoming a thing and another is ease of delivery. The last Avengers movie saw a benefit from this, a week before release they filmed the awesome cut at the end of the credits. They had just enough time to put that together and pop it into the movie just before the release date. The problem for the becoming extinct Drive-Ins is that they usually do not have the same backing as some of the other theater companies do so no one is going to buy those projectors for them. It’s a sink or swim kind of environment that I do not wish to see happen but it is. When I took these photos I brought @partyallmyown1 with me and she said she had never been to a Drive-In. She didn’t even know how they worked. It really is sad that such a great monument in our history is going to disappear.
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Day 036/365: It’s all good until you flip
Heated night tonight at track but a fun one at that. John ended up in the middle of two cars and tried to check up. At that point it was too late and he ended up in the air bending his front bumper and breaking an axle. A good sport as always he was all smiles after the race. Lots of other things but WOOOO! What a night.
Day 035/365: Something needs to be done about this.
Day 034/365: Part of my great adventure today
Today we embarked on moving one of the most annoying pieces from our transmitter site. An old transformer that was just sitting there. At first we estimated that it was about 300-400 lbs. It was a solid block of copper basically with metal all the way around it. We borrowed an engine hoist from a co-worker’s brother-in-law to make the attempt. First thought was to just get it far enough into the bed of the truck and take it to recycling. That wasn’t as easy as it sounded.
First off, the hoist we borrowed didn’t move very well with the transformer attached. By the time we got it positioned to be going straight into the bed of the truck we noticed that the 1/2 ton setting on the hoist arm didn’t look to good we switched to a full ton. Well that made the arm shorter. So we reversed the truck in far enough so that the bed was partial the way in. Also the legs of the hoist were hitting the hitch. That didn’t help much either. Eventually after a lot of effort we got it in there. Then the next problem arouse.
The transformer weighed the back of the truck down so far the hitch was on the ground. Next trick time! The blue panel in the picture is something else we were planning on recycling. We took two of them and stuck them under the tires along with another metal door piece and a brick. Well it picked the truck up high enough and crushed the panels.
Getting it to the recycle place wasn’t easy either. Having that projectile sitting in the back of the truck was a problem. At one stop light it rolled forward a bit. Luckily the hoist slowed it’s roll a bit. Pulled over to the side and attempted to chain it to the truck again.
Once we finally arrived at the recycling center, before we even attempted again to take the hoist out we asked if they had a fork lift to maybe come grab it. A guy pulls up with a fork lift, takes the fork around the outsides and squishes it to pick it up. Meanwhile, Rich and I are basically standing there amazed at how easy that looked.
Oh well, the end result was 536 lbs! 136 more pounds than we actually thought!
Now we can begin dismantling more stuff now that it is out of the way.
Day 033/365: Clouds over the valley
It is impressive to see such massive clouds looming over the valley. Considering how high up and how big the clouds are they must be really dense. However, you look up and it’s blue skies right above us. You may be asking, “What valley?” That’s how big those clouds are. Where they are is where there should be mountains. It’s only been a few sprinkles so nothing to crazy yet as far as rain where I’m at. It’s just super COLD!