So early on in the day I started playing the new Pokemon Black and well this is what I found LOL
Someone messed up on that translation. That was just really bad.
Later on during work I was feeling really really crappy and sick, so we went and ate some Pho me and @partyallmyown. It was great. I love eating at Pho Saigon. Their Spring Rolls are the SHIT!!!
I had the rare beef and she had a Vegetable Pho
Later on that night while I was working on something, a co-worker told me that Japan had gotten hit by an earthquake. I really didn’t think much of it since they always get hit by earthquakes. After I finished working on somethings, I looked at my Twitter feed. Only then did I start to realize how serious it was. A friend of mine and fellow Hawaii Twitter addict @StarletShay had started up a UStream of what she was experiencing in Japan. At the same time found a feed for to post to their site. So at the time I was working I was watching Shay, CNN, and Twitter. Then my co-worker came in and said that they are evacuating the school due to the Tsunami Warning. So I packed up and got the hell out of there.
Now the photo you see above is how the rest of my night went. @HawaiiNewsNow on my TV, Shay in one window, CNN in another and Twitter going on behind that.
Also here is a video with what had happened in the first 24hrs from what I could gather on YouTube and CNN.