My point of view on the Big Three. A time for change. (not a party post)

big3.jpgI know that most of the time your coming here to see pics and stuff from the places i go to party, but I wanted to take a moment to talk about the economy. I know, I know, your all tired of hearing about it but seriously it’s a really big deal. Some of you may not know it, but I’m big on cars. Now even though I don’t have a car, I do have a huge passion for cars. So it bothers me to hear that the big 3 are on the verge of going down. So here is what I think. These companies need to seriously rethink their priorities.

In the movie an “Inconvenient Truth”  which was shown in 2006, Al Gore stated that car makers who made fuel efficient cars that people actually liked to drive sold better that cars that are not. A good example is all the trucks you see in dealer ships practically being given away today.

Here if you watch this video review at the LA Auto Show from a popular YouTube channel called “Garage 419”, there are points made about American car makers that make to much sense.


Points you should look for:

  • 1:28 – The US auto maker presense.
  • 1:56 – The Chrysler EV Minivan (It has a tail pipe?)
  • 3:29 – How does a concept model that looks great turn into a god awful looking car?

More of what I think after the fold…. Continue reading

Big Wednesday… Oh How I Missed You… [O-Lounge]

The party was in full effect last night at the O. Packed wall-to-wall with the sexy people of Hawaii and you know who was there. ME!Little highlights, I saw a bunch of people I haven’t seen in a long long long time. You’ll see as we go along with the post hehe. The line was stacked by the time we got there (about 11:15) and it was going way past on to the walkway thing (whatever the hell you call it). There were so many other people standing outside too! So to recap on what that all looked like, here is all the pics from the PARTAY!! (Side note: The batteries I had in my flash were dying most of the night so if some shots look bad, that’ll be why.)

So to start things out, lets start from the stage! Hello Peoples.

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Starting A New… [Red Lion Waikiki]

So yeah I haven’t posting a lot lately, been working of course. So if you haven’t been seeing me in the spots well there is good reason, I haven’t been going out basically. There is some sad news for me to report as well but I’ll save that for later. This way you all can be happy through the post reading.

Alright, on to the party! So I went to Red Lion on Monday and well it was just as I left it, the only place to be on a Monday Night. Oh boy were the ladies in the house. Now thats not the reason why I went though… DJ BETTY SAID SHE WAS GOING!!! SO I WENT TOO!!!

She was having Din Din with her friends Sunny, Dawn, and a few other people I dont remember their names hehe. (I didn’t catch a pic of dawn before she left though)

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