Day 071/365: OMFG I WANT ONE!!!!

Day 071/365: OMFG I WANT ONE!!!!

So yesterday we were at the Hesperia Pet Expo and Show and after all was said and done this was what got me to say OMG! Yes, this beautiful little kitty is absolutely fucking GORGEOUS!! I want one so bad! I found the breeder at and I assure you these are seriously beautiful kitties!!

Day 059/365: Well it’s off the ground at least

Day 059/365: Well it's off the ground at least

So getting the 1965 AM Transmitter had been a looming problem at our transmitter site. The thing is so huge and so heavy that we couldn’t figure out how we would get it out of the building. The day before we figured out that we could stick a crowbar under it. That got me thinking back to the Heald days when we moved everything on furniture dollies. So we went to Home Depot grabbed two and played around to see what we could do. Well it was off the ground and mobile (sorta).

Day 020/365: A good day of deliveries – LootCrate Unboxing – March 20, 2014 – Titan

Day 020/365: A good day of deliveries

Got my @LootCrate in the mail and I got my order from Amazon. So yeah, a good day. However, the splitter that I bought didn’t remove the HDPC from my PS3 capture so I need to find a different one. Also, after I ordered all these parts my damn gaming HDD is dying. DAMMIT! Oh wells.