How to win at EVERYTHING!!

No, I didn’t buy this for CookieClicker. However, creating macros is so easy! Also, yes I will be using this for WoW, but I will also be using it for editing as there are just to make 2 to 3 button shortcut commands that are a serious pain to keep track of. Instead, I’ll just map those commands to my thumb pad. I’ll probably end up pushing the wrong buttons for a while but I’m sure I’ll get use to it.

Utada Hikaru Meet and Greet – July 12, 2009 (Full Interview)

This has been sitting on my site not working for some time now. I couldn’t find the original file that I had made as this is over four years old now. I did however find this FLV version that I had uploaded to my website. It’s not the best quality but it is what I got. Please enjoy and don’t forget to comment.

Still saddened by what Hikki has had to go through as of late but hopefully we all have something bright to hold on to for her to remain strong.

LootCrate – 2013-08-20 “Cake” Happy One Year Anniversary

It’s the one year anniversary of LootCrate. This month’s theme is Cake and oh boy did they let me eat CAKE!!! It’s full of many wonderful goodies :-D

If you’d like your own nerdgasm in a box click the link:

Sign up is simple and only $13.37 +SH a month. Really minimal considering the gear you get.

Check out my buddy Hyperkind who turned me on to this service:

[MWO] Trolling for TKs – Cicada X-5

Tried to troll someone into getting a Team Kill. A player disconnected on the opposing team so as I ran to cap their base I tried to bring down that player enough to where he/she would go down with a few hits. Alas my actions took to long and my team mates shot my target :-( Oh wells still fucking hilarious. —