This is my blog of broken dreams... not really. Just me posting shit to the internet. It's not all shit. Some of it is really cool shit! Parental Guidance is strongly advised. Mostly because kids might need help reading some of this shit. Shit be all fucked up.

The week of broken crap…

The image kinda says it all for me right now. Yesterday my cable went out in my apartment, and now come to find out its still off… why? cuz it never went through according to my bank statement. Went to look and sure enough… no bill payment of any kind to oceanic. Otherwise this post would have been up a long time ago. So here I am at work doing it now. HAHA.So now I am titling this spring break… “SPRING BREAK OF BROKEN S**T!!”Oh yeah to make things even better, not only is my connection to the outside world from home (god that made me sound like a dork) isn’t working, but my SideKick LX tripped out yesterday and now I’m missing some information that I can’t get back now :( Continue reading

No Cameras Allowed…

As was the case last night where I went to. Well it wasn’t about cameras really, it was more about my camera. So I borrowed my girl friends point-and-shoot which they didn’t seem to care about. HAHA. Little did they know that I would still post up the pics on my site anyways. By the way, the line “Its what I do,” didn’t seem to phase the guy at all.

I bet your wondering, “So where did you go last night?” and “What place wouldn’t let CharlieBoy take some pictures in?” Well I’m not saying to be politically correct about it and not step on anyone’s feet. So I’ll post up the pics and you figure it out. I have to add that it was pretty freakin’ cold in there last night too… WTF. I can think of a few places that need better A/C and should be talking to them about COLD!!!

OH! but before we get to the pics, tune in and listen to me on air today from 4-8pm on Da Bomb! and if your nice to me i’ll give you tickets to see 50 cent live or maybe even tonight’s big event at pipeline with FLO RIDA!!!

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Its Saturday!! but not just that…

IMG_4134CB808-resizedITS SPRING TIME!!!

So that means its time to party! Yeah I know your probably trying to figure out right now, ‘what am I going to be doing this weekend?’ Well I’ll try and fill you in on the goings on of tonight.

But first… last night i went to the Pagoda hotel for good laughs with Augie T. Talk about a good time and to think me and my girl was just going to go and watch a movie. No instead there was just non stop laughs from Nelson Magician, to the life lessons of Jose Dynamite, to knowing what it means to be Potogee with Timmy Mattos, and the funny man himself Augie T! Augie hosts a comedy show every Friday night at the Pagoda Hotel in the La Salle Room above the main Dinner Hall.

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Thirsty Thursdays – Post Wednesday

This week I bring to you “Light” Beer. hahah this amazing shot by storbist nickwheeleroz which i think totally represents what today is to Da Bomb!

HAHA and for many of you out there looking to have a good time tonight. Tomorrow is Good Friday which means that you might not have to show up to work tomorrow. YAY! that means you can drink your ass off tonight! so there are a few choice spots to got to tonight.

So we’ll start off with the party that is always on and poppin’ Thirsty Thursdays at Zanzabar. Biggest Party that has been going on for eight years now and not showing any signs of slowing down at all. 18 and over welcome. $3.50 MGD and $3.50 Miller Lites (get it lights… lites… ok nvm) Party goes until 4am in the morning and the Hype is kept strong by Rick Rock on the MIC and Rick Rock Productions.

Another party will be going down at Senor Frogs called Frog-a-Licious. 93.1 The Zone’s very own Miss Chanel will be rocking the MIC and all the Models will be there for you to meet. 21 and over welcome. Party starts at 10pm and goes till 4am in the morning. Continue reading

Saturday Recap and a bit of the Irish

Its that time again! St. Patties day is upon us and it only means one thing… ANOTHER REASON TO DRINK THE NIGHT AWAY! There are a couple things going on that you should know about.

Like every year there is the Nuuanu Block party sure to be a hit KPOI 105.9 will be hosting and you’ll be seeing the whole KPOI crew out and about. There will be people of all shapes and sizes and most of them will be drunk. Booths of alcohol lining the streets and all the bars serving up the great irish beers.

I think the festivities start at about 4 or 5 o’clock and should be going on til about midnight. After that though head on down to Waikiki to Red Lion for more drinking. Can’t beat Broke Ass Mondays, $0.75 Drafts and $3.00 Pitchers!

Saturday Recap: The Playhouse @ Fashion 45 – March 15, 2008

I finally got Greg a shot with the Girls

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CharlieBoy808 Is BACK!

ExploratoriumWell I’m back from vacation! So now is the time to do what I’ve been wanting to do with this site for a very long time, which is make it in to a real photo-blog! So be on the look out for updates here.In the mean time here are some things from my vacation. I went to Sacramento to visit a friend out there! It was a good ol’ time. Spent way to much money in the first few days, but it was ok since I was on vacation. The only problem was that I was there for two weeks and had to save money for about 9 days to make sure I had enough money by the end of my trip. Good thing my adsense check came in .:lol:.

My return was most welcomed I guess but now is not the time for that. Its picture time. So in this post I will be posting up some of the pics from my vacation and then some pics from my first night out at Fashion 45 (March 08, 2008).

My Best Friend Logan. He let me crash at his place during my vacation. yeah idk whats up with the facial expression either but its hella funny right?

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New things…

So today was the start of the John Nolan Show on KUMU-AM 1500. It got off to a start all right. Sounded great to all the listeners out there, but damn am I tired now. Its fun getting a new started, just annoying when it just don’t go the way you were hoping it would. Me being the board op today, was just overwhelmed with many tasks. All that is fine though. With time it’ll get a lot better. One can hope. Nah, it will get better. They don’t call me the best for nothing. I only wish that it wasn’t just me who has to make it happen. One great man (“Uncle Ben”) said, “We great power comes great responsibility.” Who knew that it meant being a director of something was going to suck the living life outta ya!

Well anyways the show got started and I hope everyone takes a listen and tell me what you think!

Your Friendly Tech-Support Guy

This is something my friend Logan found on Craigslist…

best of craigslist > pittsburgh > Things to consider when calling Tech Support…
Originally Posted: Fri, 27 Apr 23:38 EDT

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Things to consider when calling Tech Support…

Date: 2007-04-27, 11:38PM EDTHi! I’m your Technical Support Rep. I have a considerable amount of control over one or more important aspects of your daily life: television, telephone, and internet. Sometimes one, sometimes all three. Before we interact, I’d like to share some thoughts with you:

* I am here, simply put, to fix your shit. My job is not complete until said shit is fixed. Please just help me fix this shit.

* With that out of the way, know that I hate you exactly as much as you hate me. No more, no less. If you are at least relatively pleasant, I’m happy to help you- even to make small talk as I attend to the issue at hand. Conversely, if you are a total and complete jackass, I will make this the worst 10 minutes of your week.

* Neither I, nor any of my coworkers, are out to fuck you. We are not idiots. We are college graduates in technical disciplines, the vast majority of whom are here to work their way up the IT ladder to more fulfilling positions. Sometimes we have off days, sure, but we know EXACTLY what we are doing. Note that this does not apply to anyone outside of our department. They are, in all reality, idiots who are out to fuck you.

* So you’ve already unplugged the “internet box” and plugged it back in? Brace yourself, you’re going to do it again. Most of the time I do this for a reason…unless you’re a dick. Then I do it to see how mad it makes you.

* Don’t lie to me- I can tell you have a router. It isn’t illegal.

* To those who think they are “computer illiterate”: The vast majority of the time, you are lovely customers: Patient, willing to learn, and most importantly, willing to listen. Thank you!

* To those who think they are CompSci PHD’s: The vast majority of the time, you are retarded: If you already cycled your equipment and it didn’t work, why did it work when I made you do it again? If you are so well educated, stay the hell out of the queue so that people who need help can get it.

* Supervisors don’t have a magic wand that they can wave to make everything better. They are governed by the same protocol and use the same utilities as I do. In fact, supervisors are more likely to tell you to fuck off- believe it or not, they have other pressing issues to attend to. If a node goes down, they WILL put those 200 subscribers before you in Priorityland.

* Threatening to cancel does not intimidate us. We have an entire department that is paid to care about that, which means that I don’t have to. Harsh? Sure, but I have more than enough work to do fixing shit, yelling at field techs, following up on cases, and explaining the concept of email to your grandmother that it won’t cause me to lose any sleep.

* It worked fine yesterday? Oh, then I must be wrong. Let me reconsider the 40 minutes I spent troubleshooting your Win98 box. Check it out: Shit breaks (see point 1); If shit did not break, I would be mowing your lawn instead of sitting in this office.

* Speakerphone? Turn it the fuck off.

* Don’t call back and have another rep troubleshoot the same problem. He will read the notes I left about how you spilled coke into your cable box. Even if he didn’t, he would come to the same conclusion, and more people with undiagnosed problems would be stuck listening to that god-awful hold music.

* I am not blowing smoke when I say that I understand how frustrating it is to wait on hold, get transferred, and deal with bad agents. I too have called Dell’s tech support line. The difference is that I actually DO care about your problem, so please just calm down before I kill your family.

* My company has over 20 million subscribers. I handle a region of about 2 million. To this day, none of them have ever called in to say “I just wanted you to know that my shit is working correctly.” Maybe someday?

So what can I help you with today?

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