This is my blog of broken dreams... not really. Just me posting shit to the internet. It's not all shit. Some of it is really cool shit! Parental Guidance is strongly advised. Mostly because kids might need help reading some of this shit. Shit be all fucked up.

The Playhouse Pics [B-Day Jessica]

Happy 4:20 ya’ll! oh and a Happy Birthday to Jessica, officially 21 and legal.

This one is going out to all the 4:20 people around the world.

Ok so last night was a great night! Lots of people partying like crazy and dancing having a good time! So if you want to know where to go on a Saturday night you should really come out to Fashion 45. Its just the place to be.

I posted everything up at

(i would post more pics but something is broken at the station… bye bye)

Its Saturday!! [Foreplay Friday Pics]

untitled-2.jpg Hey Peoples! It’s Saturday and there are a lot of things going on! To start it out if your a dork like me, the Kawaii-kon is going on again down at the convention center April 18th (now) til the 20th. If you need more info check out

I haven’t been able to go to this event in the past few years, but I know that its going great because I see the pics every year that remind me that I need to stay in the know of what is going on! haha.

For those of you who don’t know, Kawaii-Kon is a Anime Convention. Like every convention, Kawaii-Kon brings in the best of the best in the industry. Voice Actors, Artist, Writers, Musicians, and everything else you can think of!

Looking to find some local art? Well check out Art on the Block at the Frank F. Fasi municipal grounds (next to Honolulu Hale). I’m going off the top of my head about this event, but Jasmine Trias is going to be performing, loads of food from every culture, and lots of booths from locals all over the state. You’ll find crafts, paintings, and FOOD! Wait I said that already, but that’s important (cuz i like to eat). Frank and Mandy will be there taking care of the stage. I think even our GM is going to be involved up on stage. All day today (April 18th) from 10am – 8pm.

(edit:Just adding this now Christian Lei is going to be performing too!!! GOD SHE IS HOT!!! and BOY CAN SHE SING!!!)

Don’t for though! Tonight is the Playhouse at Fashion 45. I’ll be there to take some pics tonight and also we’re celebrating Jessi’s Birthday tonight! HAPPY 21ST! Congratulations! Cuz your gonna GET F*k’D up tonight!

The Friday night pics after the fold hehehe…

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I’ve been M.I.A. I know… [Fliers]

…but I’m still alive. I’ve just been stuck working :( and so tired that I just pass out.

Anyway, I feel like I should tell you about a few events that I’ve been kept in the loop on. So its Flier TIME!!!

It seems like the common theme going around now a days is “Earth Conservation” and well guess what, It should have been a long time ago. So if your just jumping on the Al Gore bandwagon (I don’t blame you if you voted for Bush… we all make mistakes) its time for you to do your part and learn on how you can save the planet! PLUS GO JIMMY GO!! Check out


Going on at the Academy of Arts “Conserve Earth” If you need something to do instead of waiting through traffic. If you know what I mean. haha. Anyways, there is a lot of Recycled works of art going on there so go and check it out. It should be fabulous. Check out


Ok another party ya’ll should check out is at The W on the 26th! Its for DANI’S 6TH ANNUAL 21ST BIRTHDAY! well at least thats what she told me… LOL :-p (i like how it says its next to the Aquarium… its really a wee bit further down…)


The New Foreplay Fridays. We’re changing it up a bit and its a brand new party with 50 Cent DRINKS!!! for the first hour at least, then great drinks specials after that.

Don’t Forget! Tonight! The Legendary Thirsty Thursdays at Zanzabar Nightclub. Rick Rock and DJ Wu Chang holding it down as the party explodes every week. So you know this is where you want to be.

K Den Peeps! See ya behind the lens!

HawaiiREDMagazine Premier Party / The New Foreplay Fridays

HI ALL! I just thought I’d throw down an artistic shot to reflect my life as of right now. Life has thrown me many opportunities and many road blocks this month, but I’m pushing through. Lets just say I’m trying to keep work, work and my hobbies, my hobbies. Anyways its PARTY TIME!!!

So Friday I went to a special party for at Pearl Ultralounge. Flash and Matty Boy Present were there with their weekly party The Candy Bar and I must say, not a bad party! Good if your looking to party some where the 21+ can really party in a really nice spot. It was the first time I’ve ever gone to Pearl because I hate rocking dress shoes. Anyways, I’m glad I went though the party was off the chain and people were really really cool. So on with the Pics!

So here are all the important people of HawaiiREDMagazine

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The long awaited post… Aji House/Big Wed/Recess

Yeah I know I’ve been missing for a little while. Lets just say here is a video that will make sense for how I’ve been this week.

Anyways here I am now posting up what I’ve been doing.First up! Aji House! So I was at home (on MySpace of course) and I noticed a bulletin post from Lisa about a $10 presale buffet for Aji House at Xyloh. Well let me just say this… I was very very pleased with the food. But first the details:Aji House @ Xyloh
Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday
6p – 9p
$10 Pre-Sale & $15 at the door.

It’s an all you can eat buffet that is Fantastic! but I’ll let the pictures tell the story.

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Interesting weekend.

So besides Aloha Airlines going under. I’ve been doing my thing. I haven’t really been out to the spots this weekend. Went and did something with one of my other projects. Check out

For more info check out the site.

Anyways tonight I’m going to be at my normal party at Red Lion in Waikiki. Always a big party as usual. Need proof? Check out 102.7 Da Bomb Photo Gallery

By the way here is something you should pay attention too… YOUR TIRES!! hahaha here are my best friend’s tires in Cali.



Video Testing.

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Don’t mind me i’m testing out a little video feature I just installed into my blog. This could get really good if you ask me… Photos and videos with out YOUTUBE!!! WOAH!!!

…sorry a little dork moment.

Anyways just spreading some info about this event thats happening in June! They are looking for booths and if your looking for a place to talk about your gym or fitness stuff, come check it out!

The crazy week is finally coming to an end…

…and omg has it been crazy. Picture to the left from photographer CCBImages on Flickr. The image just explains the way my week has been going. I’ll go through the list for ya’ll so you know the stress I been dealing with.

MONDAY! – We start out the week by my girl friend Gwynnelle flying out to Las Vegas, leaving me by myself alone for a week. I however dealt with it since I went to Sacramento for two weeks. NEXT!

That night my cable wasn’t working, I thought that there was something wrong in the area or something (its oceanic… when does it ever work.)

More after the fold

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