This is my blog of broken dreams... not really. Just me posting shit to the internet. It's not all shit. Some of it is really cool shit! Parental Guidance is strongly advised. Mostly because kids might need help reading some of this shit. Shit be all fucked up.

Sorry Been M.I.A.

I’m not sure if anyone even noticed but I have been M.I.A. for this week I’ve been working mornings and afternoons on 93.1 The Zone (“Hawaii’s New Hit Music Station”). Apparently the people who have heard have said many good things about it. Even Augie T likes my sound “YAY” *hands in the air cheering* I have no idea how the hell people can do morning shows, because that sh** is harsh yo! If you want to know what its been like for me I’m going to post up some of the audio into my little ‘Stickam’ thing on the side bar. You’ll know what it is if you look at it. If you want to hear some of the audio of what I’ve done just click on the little notes in the menu bar there. As soon as I figure out another place to stick a bigger player, that little thing will have to do for now.

Anyways, it is the weekend again and that means that it is time to party!!!! Here is a short list of parties for you to think about this weekend.


  • Pipeline Cafe – Foreplay Fridays
    • 18 and over welcome
    • 50 cent drinks before midnight
    • IslandBabez on the Go Go pods
    • Party goes til 4am in the morning
  • Fashion 45 – F.U.B.A.R. Fridays
    • 18 and over welcome
    • $3 drinks before midnight
    • Ladies w/ Local ID free before 11pm
    • Party til 4am
  • Aarons (36th floor Ala Moana Hotel) – Skye Sushi
    • 21 and over welcome
    • Dress code enforced (Stylish attire is a must)
    • Three areas of music
    • Doors open at 10pm
    • Party til 4am in the morning
  • Venus Nighclub – Milk
    • 18 and over welcome
    • Naughty or Nice theme party (naughty or nice dress attire basically)
    • 10pm – 4am
    • New low price? (saw it in the bulletins)
  • Zanzabar Nightclub – Contagious
    • 18 and over welcome
    • DJ BETTY!!! IN THE MIX!!!


Sorry I really only know about Hawaiiwood and The Playhouse

  • Fashion 45 – The Playhouse
    • 18 and over welcome
    • Party starts at 10:30pm
    • Rage on til 4am
    • $3 you call its til Midnight
  • Planet Hollywood – Hawaiiwood
    • Theme’d Celebrity Party
    • Umm yeah thats all i know haha


ITS FRIDAY!! WEEKEND PARTY INFO HERE!! [Fashion 45 and Aiea Bowl Pics]

Which means that its time to party weekend style!!! WOAH!!! So here are a few happenings going on.


Of course I will be at Pipeline Cafe tonight for 102.7 Da Bomb’s Foreplay Fridays.


There is also the Vertical Junkie for FUBAR Friday at Fashion 45

Rick Rock is throwing it down for the older crowd at Aarons. 36 floors in the air, its the only way to party in the SKYE!


The Playhouse at Fashion 45 is still bumpin’ and will continue to be bumpin’

The Vertical Junkies have their new party at Planet Hollywood call HAWAII-WOOD!!! (if you haven’t heard the commercial what is wrong with you!)

That’s about all I know about hehe, but if anybody wants to let me know about more, fill it in in the comments below.

Here are some pics from Last week Saturday’s Fashion 45. I didn’t get a lot of pics since i was actually hosting the party. It’s hard to talk on the mic and take pics. HAHA well probably isn’t just didn’t want to do both. Imma run through this quick cuz i need to get out of here haha…

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Flavors of Honolulu / The Playhouse / Big Wednesdays / Recess [PICTURES!!!]

Hey all! I been meaning to post this a long time ago but with the 4TH of July festivities, I’ve had no time! Anyways this is going to be a wrap up of last weekend up to hump day Wednesday. Enjoy!!

First up on the plate! Flavors of Honolulu and boy were there a lot of plates to go around. This was an event for Abilities Unlimited. This took place This past Saturday (June 28, 2008)

Here is the main stage! I have no idea who was playing since I was overly distracted by the food I wanted to eat :)

The happy people enjoying the show

The place was packed with happy people and happy tummies I’m sure.

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Foreplay Fridays 06/27/08 [PICS]

Alright people thats right its Saturday which means that I was out partying for a lil while at pipeline… I know some people always ask “Where you going? The night is still young!” Well the reason why I leave is because of where I am right now. WORK! haha so yeah if you show up after 1am to pipeline there is a good chance that I’m not going to be there which means if you want to be a part of the “In” crowd, then you would get there early. HAHAHA

Anyways, Friday was the SHIT!! Like seriously the party just keeps getting better and better every single Friday that goes by, but you want the proof. Or maybe your just waiting to see all the beautiful people that was out last night. Well lets get this party started then!!! WOAH!!!

Da Bomb Squad welcomes a new member Rissa? I think thats her name… Damn I’m terrible…

Shauna was there trying to steal my gf again… hehehe

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June is busy for birthdays… [Foreplay Fridays, Broke Ass Mondays]

Doesn’t Monday suck? We can’t get rid of it though. If we got rid of Monday as a work day, we’d all just complain about Tuesday anyway. So true it is, but having Mondays means you can do nothing but look forward to FRIDAY!!! and that is what this post is all about.

Foreplay Fridays at Pipeline Cafe this past Friday was just off the CHAIN!!! Wall-to-Wall packed with a great crowd of people. I can talk about it as much as I can but your not going to believe it till I show you how great it really was. So let this moment of photo-history show you that the party is just completely off the wall!

First photo up! WOW!!! IS THAT VAL!!! WASSUP!!! good to see ya back from cali.. well atleast for a lil while…

Hello ladies…

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It’s Picture Time!! [Broke Ass Monday, Recess]

Hey there party people! I’m here with another post to get at you guys and gals. I went out a little bit this week by hitting up Redlion Waikiki and Venus on Wednesday. Been laying low a little because work has been bringing my energy down but its getting back up slowly. Well probably not anyways, enough about being worn down its picture time!!!

First up on the plate a rare appearance to Broke Ass Mondays at Red Lion in Waikiki. Now let me just put it to you straight, this is the only party that is always poppin’ on a Monday night. Just because its a sports bar doesn’t mean its not a great place to party. The only time its not that full is during college finals, and sometimes its still full those days.

Nelly was there partying with her friends for a friend’s birthday… (only in hawaii can i talk like dat)

her friend brianna

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Kamehameha Day is nice to have in the middle of the week isn’t it. [Aquarium, Foreplay Fridays]

So this week has been pretty interesting huh? If you were lucky enough to get Kamehameha Day off then you probably had a pretty good week. As for me well I did have it off YAY! So Gwyn and I went to the Aquarium in Waikiki. The last time I went to the Aquarium I think I was still in Elementary School. It was pretty cool to go though, but a pain in the butt to take pictures without using my flash. HAHA anyways here are the pics.

Look at the lovely plants…

Mmmm tasty looking…

Hello Nemo…

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I know I know I’ve been M.I.A… [Skyline 4yr Anniv., Fashion 45]

…but I’m still alive. Been really really busy with a great project. Check it out AM1500HAWAII.COM for all you local sports nuts.

Anyways I’ve been out and about and here is a little recap from Saturday. First up on the plate Skyline at the HanoHano Room in the Sheraton Waikiki. Now I’ll be honest, this is the first time I’ve been there. I’ve been begged to go so many times but this time I just had to go because it was a White Party. Theme parties always catch my attention but I went because Jose Dynamite asked me nicely to go. So I went… ok I’m rambling on… Here are the pics.

The place looks great but not just that…

…the women too!!!

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It’s a PICTURE RECAP TIME!!! [big wednesdays, recess, and foreplay fridays]

Alright party people its party recap time!!! So did you get spotted by my camera! Well I guess you should check out this whole post then!!

Well it was a nice crowd of people at O-Lounge Wednesday night for Big Wednesdays. It was themed for the Peter Miller Foundation with the DC Crew in the house. Of course the party was put together by the Vertical Junkies. The place was also packed full of very good looking ladies. I’ll let you be the judge of that.

More after the fold…

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Pipeline Pics [Yo!! I need a Video Camera!], Salty about the Spurs Game

…or something, but this is the idea I had for a video and it looks like N.E.R.D. beat me to the punch. hahaha but yeah I want to do a video like this of the people in the clubs I take pictures of haha. Click here to see the video

Anyways, many don’t know but I’m a Spurs fan and well people, watch this video and tell me what you think they should do about this?


Anyways enough about that on with the pics!!! I know I’m a little behind on pics from Friday Night but here they are!

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