This is my blog of broken dreams... not really. Just me posting shit to the internet. It's not all shit. Some of it is really cool shit! Parental Guidance is strongly advised. Mostly because kids might need help reading some of this shit. Shit be all fucked up.

Well the good ol’ SD450 still works… [Lomography, V-Day]

Alright well I know that yesterdays post was a lil emo but I think I have come to the conclusion that I will save up to buy a new setup, what i don’t know yet. What has made me come to this conclusion is the fact that I had been reintroduced so to speak to my good ol’ Point and Shoot Canon SD450. Did some things with it and realized… I really love taking pictures with it. I didn’t have it for a while since I lent it to Gwynnelle cuz some guy dropped her SD900. So for Valentine’s Day I bought her a SD1100.

If you couldn’t tell, I like Canon cameras. LOL However the same can not be said about Video Cameras :) I like Sony as they have the picture clarity part down for video. I’m sure the Canon Cams are good but Sony been doing it longer :)

Well with that being said, how many people know about Lomography? or Lomography Photography? No? well here’s a bit of history…

In the early 1990s a couple of students discovered a small, enigmatic Russian camera, the Lomo Kompakt Automat, and created a new style of artistic experimental photography with their first unorthodox snapshot cavortings. The approach: taking as many photographs (Lomographs) as possible in the most impossible of situations possible and from the most unusual positions possible, and then having them developed as cheaply as possible. The result is a flood of authentic, colourful, crazy, off-the-wall, unfamiliar and often brilliant snapshots. These are mounted on panels to form a sea of thousands of Lomographs which regularly astonish viewers with their sheer colourfulness, diversity and power of expression. Ensuing major exhibitions in Moscow, New York, Vienna, Berlin, St. Petersburg, Havana, Zurich, Cologne, Madrid, Cairo, Tokyo and many other cities, where up to 100,000 Lomographs were shown at a time, established an international reputation for Lomography.

– e-Lomography on Flickr

The reason why I mention it is that Gwynnelle order a few Fisheye versions for me and her before my camera got stolen. Truthfully, they are pretty sweet. I didn’t know what to expect since it’s a film camera and I haven’t shot film since like the late 90s (trying to make it sound like a long time ago cuz it was). The thing is the last film camera I had did have a lil brain in them (focus and some fancy redeye thing). These cameras have no focus, no electronics a side from the light that comes on to tell you the flash is ready LOL. So I was worried about how these would turn out. Well I have a lot of learning to do but here are the shots that managed to make it past the photo department at WalGreens. Apparently, he had a hard time doing them since we took a lot of night shots. You’ll see why….

Her Camera (from mine)

My Camera (from her’s)

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Not sure what to do…

Yes love is in the air today. It’s Valentine’s day and as I go around the Internet this morning I find a lot of wonderful pictures. Now I’m wondering what should I do? Should I even bother saving up for a new camera? Don’t get me wrong I love photography, but I spent so much money the first time around and bought so many other pieces it hardly seems worth it. The camera was one purchase as a kit, then came my lens, then came my flash. So my dilemma is that I would have to buy all these things all over again. If I do, should I buy used or get a good new good camera. If I do buy new or used, should I get a 50D or 5D Mark II? So many factors. Buying a 50D would make it easier to buy a good lens and flash. If I buy a 5D Mark II, I get the feature of full frame photos, but then I’ll have to save up a lot of money to complete my setup. Ughh Decisions Decisions :(

This time though I’m getting insurance… It’ll be almost as important as my Cellphone bill.

TTFN oh and HAPPY VD!!

After all I’ve done…

FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK…. Sorry I told myself that I would refrain from swearing in here, but after today all I have is anger right now. Want to know why?

Apparently someone thought it would be a good idea to walk off with a bag that just so happened to have my $3000 setup of camera equipment in it. My dumb fault for leaving it at the radio station and forgetting to take it with me. However, after all the things that I have done there, you would think that someone would have the decency to leave peoples shit alone!

I know I maybe blowing this way out of proportion here, but its $3000 worth of equipment… I think I’m staying in my zone by not calling every person in my phone book and interviewing each person one-by-one grilling them till they call me daddy.

Update: No new news about it, but here is a list of what is missing.

  • Canon 30d
  • Canon 17-40mm L lens
  • Canon 580ex Mark II
  • Sto-fen
  • Small Blue Camera Style Backpack
  • LED Flashlist 

All of this was worth $3000 new.
Since I’m not in the photo update mood here are a few links to what I was doing before today.

Yard House & Tsunami’s  – January 21 & 22, 2009: Went out a few nights… First night went to Yard House and had dinner with Dave Hisaka, Haz-Matt, Mortuary Chris, Chris Hughes, Ciara, and her friend Octavia. I had the (Mac + Cheese)2 and it was to die for haha. Next night had a sort of Tweet-up at Tsunami’s on Keeaumoku with Monchi! Haven’t hung out with her in forevers. always a good time with her hehe.

Chinese New Years – January 24, 2009: It’s been a while since I went actually walking around Chinatown for Chinese New Years, but this year was a blast. Ran in to a lot of friends and got to see a real competition type lion dance. That was really really cool.

Is that Heald College on fire? – January 30, 2009: Yup it was and I had my 15th floor view from my apartment.

Dave’s Going Away Party – January 30, 2009: This was Dave’s going away party. It is so sad to see him leave but he is going on to bigger and better things. We love ya Dave!! I know he is going to hate this, but “WE LOVE YOU BROTHER DAVE!”

This made me feel better, but if I don’t find my camera… well I guess i’m going to stop blogging. I don’t feel the need to anymore if I don’t.


Photography, for me is a Hobby not a Job [Shine @ Bonsai]

Hello all my great readers. I know weird title huh? Anyways, I realized recently that I am remind why I got into photography and it was because I loved taking peoples pictures, and not for the money. This is the reason why I kinda don’t like working with computers any more, because it used to be something I loved until I started working in this career. Now I don’t hate it but I don’t love it either. Catch my drift.

A little thing that I’d like everyone to be aware of, I think this past Friday I stopped by Pearl to say “Hi” to the party people there and was stopped before I left to tell people about this!! (sorry Sarah I don’t have a scanner for the flier)

FM, Jack Law & Star 101.9 present
Wave Waikiki Annual Anniversary Bash
Sat, Jan 31st, 2009
at Pipeline Cafe

Hosted by the infamous Jack Law.
MCd by Star 101.9 & Radio Free Hawaii’s Maleko.

Pimpbot, Missing Dave, Creed Chameleon & tha Spacifics all performing live.
1st band starts at 10pm.

Former Wave resident DJs KSM, RacerX & Byron the Fur in the mainroom with special guest DJ Rayne.
Hip-Hop in the side room with the Stone Groove Family’s SubZero & Jrama plus Jedi & ShawnG.

Plus the return of some classic Wave games & contests.

$200 bottles of Goose!!! woohoo!!
RSVP yours now at
Grey Goose & Jack Daniels on special all night.

9p-4a, 21 & up, old Wave dress code (as in there is none).
Cover TBA, $5 guest list will close at midnight.
$5 for old Wave VIP Cardholders plus one til 12.
Valet parking available.

Oh and another party from them as well!

SAT, JAN 24th
corner of lewers & kalakaua ave
entrance on 2nd floor

$200 bottles of goose all night!!!!!!!
goose & bacardi on special
$5 pupu menu

djs xl & Esake

email with your full name & number of guests by this friday. the list is $5 & closes at 11pm.

21 & up
4 hours of FREE parking at the Royal Hawaiian Parking structure
$5 guest list closes at 11pm.

Anyways, with that said time to show everyone what a good time looks like. Now there is only one photo set here and thats because this past week I haven’t been very healthy. So I took it easy. I heard Bonsai on Sunday was a smash and that Level 4 was off the chain. Where did everyone else go?

Alright enough with the questions ON TO THE POST!!! or should I say… PICTURES!!!!

Bonsai is a really cool party to be at on a Saturday night and everyone should check it out! The bars are really cool!

Even a camera crew was there taking video.

And of course the people who love to party.

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I’m no longer a First Friday virgin [ThirtyNine Hotel Bar 35 The Loft]

Alright before I start this whole thing I must say… this is how work should be done. On a 1080p LCD TV with PIP (picture-in-picture) showing HD football on one side and my computer on the other HAHA. Oh and if you didn’t see it in front of my TV is the “Best Waste of Time” as awarded by @SuperCW on her blog for her “Best of 08” post.


Haha anyways its over now and I just saw the worst OT defense ever way to go guys.

So Friday was the first “First Friday” (that is so grammatically wrong) in China Town of the year and well my first ever as well. So I’m no longer a virgin to it. I’ll probably go again next month since there were people telling me that it was slow. So if i was having a good time then that means the next one will be even better!! I guess it was slow because everyone is still hung over from New Years Eve and Day combined. A girl named Linda (whom i still can’t remember where we met each other before) was saying that, “NYE isn’t an excuse. They had a whole day to recover.” I had to laugh at that, because she was right LOL.

Well the spots I went to were ThirtyNine Hotel, Bar 35, and the Loft. These spots were definitely kicking and from what I heard was still kicking after I left to finish some work at home :( @SuperCW, next time I’m coming to Next Door. I swear the tweets were just saying a “off the hook!” party was going on :( Anyways enough talk more pics!!

Coincidentally, the first person I ran into down in China Town is @SuperCW. Rock on! and her buddy from Cali… Lance? Damn I suck at names “Boo me…”

We took a walk up to ThirtyNine Hotel where immediately I started drinking haha. People were having a few drinks and dinner before the big night on the town. This place is cool!

On the stairwells were articles about ThirtyNine Hotel and lots of other stuff too. It was something to really look at on the way up. Next time you go take a peek at it. Just don’t block peoples way.

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The Last Post of 2008

Since everyone else has been posting up blogs like this I figured I’d give it a shot. Mine however will be different since I’m sitting on a bus doing mine hehe. So here goes.

This year has been an eventful one, and I think everyone in Hawaii will agree from Obama in office to the Rail Transit dispute. Many new venues to party to many venues closing their doors or being sold. Like me starting a new at a new job at Heald College Honolulu. This year has been very eventful. Oh yeah, my brother got married too.

Well I guess all I really want to say is that this past year has been full of memories that we remember or want to forget, but what we do in the past and present is what makes our future. So here’s to new opportunities and a new year start out fresh again. Make 2009 the year to be remembered

Where does the time go? [Shangri La Thirsty Thursdays Moonlight Mondays Bonsai Oceans]

It’s already the end of the year and there is so much to be done before the end of the year. I need to settle my funds, take care of a lot of pictures and also put a bunch up on here! OMG! well here is the quick and dirty version so here goes!!

December 05, 2008 – My Birthday Party at The W Honolulu- Shangri La with AGN. A big thanks goes out to the AGN crew for inviting me and all my peeps to come out and party for my birthday. It was freakin crazy!! hehe i didn’t take a lot of pics since i was kinda toasted. i wasn’t however as toasted as my friend Logan was haha.

Chris shooting some video of the lovely ladies…


Starting from the right Logan, Patricia, and Logan’s family from the mainland. Yeah i kinda forgot everybodies names already.. :FAIL:

Hello ladies…

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Woah… I just got the weirdest email.

I guess I’m a Rapper now?


From: d*****
Sent: Fri 12/19/2008 4:03 PM
charlie boy your music is the shit. what is u waiting for. u could be bigger than Lil Wezzy and T-Pain .You havn’t made a video yet. your flows or singing is to hard. put your self out there. U could be past a millionaire. u need a nigga like me around u main. I aint going to lie I aint got the cheese but if I had it I would invest into u . peep game make you a video about you first. like bumpa grillz. then come out whit with Mr. blake Get that money what is u waitting for put that shit on 106 and park and blow up but this can’t be u talking about u aint got a car. Man u should be going bentley stop bullshiting u self and blow up do I need to come to texas man get richer If this is u hit me back cause im a be waitting Im listening to bumpa and grillls right now I be have old folks bobbing they heads when I be bumpping your shit im not tring to take your fame but your need to put your self out there u got your own style and the game needs that right now. just put that bumpa grills video out there right now it can be a low budget video because the song is so hard your style is hard I aint on your nuts but your hard and your word will wake the people just do it for me  if u email me back I’ll give u my name Im from Florida and I be bumpping your shit and they be loving that shit they be ask me is that me I tell them that’s my nigga Charlie boy. I be having them bumpping that shit in the well known culbs in orlando. come on nigga stop bulllshiting

My Reply:


Dude… I think you gots me mixed up with someone else man. I’m a photographer / Trance DJ not a rapper. My flow so whack it makes snoring sound like rap. I’m sure that you might be listening to a Charlie Boy, but I’m in the 808 State (Hawaii). Good luck on finding him though and if you do, ask him if he needs a photographer.


So my question now is… Is there a Charlie Boy rapper? I like hear his stuff now hehe.

My point of view on the Big Three. A time for change. (not a party post)

big3.jpgI know that most of the time your coming here to see pics and stuff from the places i go to party, but I wanted to take a moment to talk about the economy. I know, I know, your all tired of hearing about it but seriously it’s a really big deal. Some of you may not know it, but I’m big on cars. Now even though I don’t have a car, I do have a huge passion for cars. So it bothers me to hear that the big 3 are on the verge of going down. So here is what I think. These companies need to seriously rethink their priorities.

In the movie an “Inconvenient Truth”  which was shown in 2006, Al Gore stated that car makers who made fuel efficient cars that people actually liked to drive sold better that cars that are not. A good example is all the trucks you see in dealer ships practically being given away today.

Here if you watch this video review at the LA Auto Show from a popular YouTube channel called “Garage 419”, there are points made about American car makers that make to much sense.


Points you should look for:

  • 1:28 – The US auto maker presense.
  • 1:56 – The Chrysler EV Minivan (It has a tail pipe?)
  • 3:29 – How does a concept model that looks great turn into a god awful looking car?

More of what I think after the fold…. Continue reading

Man Have I Been Busy [Model Jenna Lee, ThirtyNine Hotel, Metromix Party, DragonFly]

Alright, so it has been a while since I had made a post so here goes. Here is the run down of what you will see in this post :)

  • A Photo Shoot with Jenna Lee
  • Beer and Business at ThirtyNine Hotel
  • The Metromix Launch party at Pearl Ultralounge
  • and Dragon Fly at The W Honolulu

Yeah… I don’t know if i’m going to be able to fit that all in here but I’ll give it a shot. HERE GOES!!

First off lets start with Jenna Lee. She wanted to make her boyfriend a wonderful calendar of herself which I though was a very very good idea but she wanted better beach photos. So here I come with my camera!  Here are a few shots that I liked.

If you didn’t notice, I used a bit of LAB Coloring to get the sky a very vibrant color. Don’t you think?

My lens started acting up during this part of the shoot…. but i think it still came out fine.

For the rest of the shots Click Here… and now more after the fold…

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