Alright well I know that yesterdays post was a lil emo but I think I have come to the conclusion that I will save up to buy a new setup, what i don’t know yet. What has made me come to this conclusion is the fact that I had been reintroduced so to speak to my good ol’ Point and Shoot Canon SD450. Did some things with it and realized… I really love taking pictures with it. I didn’t have it for a while since I lent it to Gwynnelle cuz some guy dropped her SD900. So for Valentine’s Day I bought her a SD1100.
If you couldn’t tell, I like Canon cameras. LOL However the same can not be said about Video Cameras :) I like Sony as they have the picture clarity part down for video. I’m sure the Canon Cams are good but Sony been doing it longer :)
Well with that being said, how many people know about Lomography? or Lomography Photography? No? well here’s a bit of history…
In the early 1990s a couple of students discovered a small, enigmatic Russian camera, the Lomo Kompakt Automat, and created a new style of artistic experimental photography with their first unorthodox snapshot cavortings. The approach: taking as many photographs (Lomographs) as possible in the most impossible of situations possible and from the most unusual positions possible, and then having them developed as cheaply as possible. The result is a flood of authentic, colourful, crazy, off-the-wall, unfamiliar and often brilliant snapshots. These are mounted on panels to form a sea of thousands of Lomographs which regularly astonish viewers with their sheer colourfulness, diversity and power of expression. Ensuing major exhibitions in Moscow, New York, Vienna, Berlin, St. Petersburg, Havana, Zurich, Cologne, Madrid, Cairo, Tokyo and many other cities, where up to 100,000 Lomographs were shown at a time, established an international reputation for Lomography.
– e-Lomography on Flickr
The reason why I mention it is that Gwynnelle order a few Fisheye versions for me and her before my camera got stolen. Truthfully, they are pretty sweet. I didn’t know what to expect since it’s a film camera and I haven’t shot film since like the late 90s (trying to make it sound like a long time ago cuz it was). The thing is the last film camera I had did have a lil brain in them (focus and some fancy redeye thing). These cameras have no focus, no electronics a side from the light that comes on to tell you the flash is ready LOL. So I was worried about how these would turn out. Well I have a lot of learning to do but here are the shots that managed to make it past the photo department at WalGreens. Apparently, he had a hard time doing them since we took a lot of night shots. You’ll see why….
Her Camera (from mine)
My Camera (from her’s)