So our federal work study Brandon Amuro graduated from Heald College tonight. We had made his gift out of pack material from a few computers. On the front it says "Life’s Hard Wear A Helmet" It’s fitting for a graduation don’t you think? Well a big congratulations to him and his family for his achievement. It’s funny but I used to say that saying a lot. LOL
Author: CharlieBoy808
Day 057 – Stupid flash stuff
I think @loganz stumbled this to me… and i’ve been playing with it for the past 2hrs. to think i have more fun with this that the KORG DS10 game for my DS. WTF?
Day 056 – Easter Sunday Nap
I didn’t get a chance to upload yesterday, but I did take my photo of the day. Here is @gnelle’s cat Mocha taking a nap on her desk. What a messy desk, and to find a cat sleeping there, weird.
Day 055 – Island Subs & Steaks
After a much well needed nap today, I went to pick up @gnelle from work. I realized that I was kinda hungry. I didn’t feel like eating the same old same. So I went on a search for something different. I hadn’t been to the Manoa Shopping Center for a while so I figured "Why not?" Found this little shop between Longs and the manapua shop called Island Subs & Steaks. It said they sold Hamberger Steak, so that’s what I ordered. It’s really nice inside and looks very family run. The food was awesome. @gnelle ordered a Steak Plate, but she didn’t expect the brown gravy that it came with lol. All in all it was some good food lol
So I been falling behind a little [365 Days Catch Up]
Day 040 – @Gnelle is home from China
And look what she brought back for me. A Mario hoodie that zips all the way up. You can’t see out the front of it but it’s still cool!
She also picked me up a pair of BAPE kicks, but I guess she trusted the sales guy way to much because she thought she was getting a pair of Size 10s. Instead she got a pair of 13s LOL They still cool though and I’m not going to wear them. I’ll display them in my apartment some how.
Day 041 – FHB International Auto Show
Rockin the hoodie @Gnelle brought back for me from China in front of the car I will own some day. That or a Vette or a ISF or a Camaro… You get the picture LOL
Day 042 – I have a fever
Yes. That is the trash can that I let @loganz puke in… today it’s in a bad situation too… load full of Galah… Ewwwww
(more after the fold) Continue reading
Wow! It’s a party post! [V-Lounge Hush-Kayla’s Bday]
Wow! LOOK!! I’m posting a blog about nightlife!! Yeah I guess you could say that ever since my camera got stolen, well I haven’t been doing much at all. I feel all blah about it. If I get another camera, I’m getting insurance and getting back out on to the scene. I did discover that my video camera is a lot of fun, but takes up to much space on my hard drive. Here is some of the fun I have had with it though lol.
Now on to the party pics. There’s not many but what evers I have fun even with my little point and shoot camera LOL
First stop! V-Lounge on a Monday night. First time I been there and you know what? I like it. It’s a nice environment, very chill and relaxed. I was talking story with @_chrishughes. @djmaleko was in the house along with @steve_eskae mixing up the tunes. @minikatsu and @mrvj were there too planning the Hawaii Ocean Expo. Go check that out this weekend alright!
The bar is always great since well… Flash and Mikey are mixing drinks LOL.
CAMERA FACE!! @flashee @supercw
This was the F’n Best!!! I Swear! Order this if you go you won’t be let down.
Day 039 – DJ Betty at Hush
This counts because I took it at officially 12:04am today (03/26/09). I miss her! and well she misses me too lol. I haven’t hung out with her in a while and it was fun catching up. She let me spin for a little bit and well I sucked. I’m not used to tables yet. I should get a pair of cheap tables and learn to use them lol
Day 038 – Dinner
Eggs, Potogee Sausage, and Rice with a side order of my Acid reflux meds… oh the life of me.
I gotta give a special birthday shout out to KaylaBabes. I went to her birthday party tonight at Hush. I must say though, first I been there and its kinda nice. I really like it there. I would describe it to be almost like the “White Room” at Fashion 45. DJ Betty was in the Mix and DJ Peter Lau was setting his stuff up to finish the night. AGN was in full effect and always much love to them. If you get the chance you 21+ people, check out their regular party on Friday nights there.
K den I’m out and I’ll post pics tomorrow. Laterz!!
Day 037 – Nissan 370Z
I couldn’t decide on what to upload today. Either the pics from last night at the V-Lounge or this sweet black 370Z I saw today. Well we can see who wins today lol
I didn’t even know they were selling these already, but this guy got one and it’s plated already. I looks really similar to the last model (350Z), but the new tail lights and the slightly redesigned front end make the car look even meaner. I love it seriously.
I must add though. If you haven’t heard about it, aside from the New Car Expo going on at the Convention Center this weekend there is a Ocean Expo going on at the Blaisedell too! Details at There’s going to be a poke contest so you know dat is going to be good brah!! go check it OUT!
365 Days Project – Day 036 – Eragon
So a friend of mine said I should blog my current running project. Project you ask? Well I decided to take on a project a while back that involves me taking a picture a day of something and posting it online. I am to do this everyday for 365 days (one year). When I started I was doing it just for myself, but my best friend @loganz was interested in doing it too. His roommates in Sacramento wanted in on it too. So now it’s a challenge to see who forgets first and doesn’t post anything. Of course I started before them so I’m ahead a few days.
Here are the ground rules to our contest:
- A photo must be taken that day and uploaded (unless it is physically impossible to do so).
- Self portraits don’t count.
- Each picture must have a description and title.
I think that’s it. It has been fun so far and I hope you enjoy it too.
Here are links to all of our photo galleries:
Mystikchris – He doesn’t have his separated but what evers he still taking and posting pics everyday HAHA.
So here is my submission for yesterday (March 23, 2009).
I’ve been reading this series of books for some time now since the first one came out. However, for some reason I just can’t finish this last book. Maybe to many distractions or something. Maybe just no urge to do it anymore. It’s sad really :(