This is my blog of broken dreams... not really. Just me posting shit to the internet. It's not all shit. Some of it is really cool shit! Parental Guidance is strongly advised. Mostly because kids might need help reading some of this shit. Shit be all fucked up.

Tweet Up @ #LilOven

Well yesterday’s Tweet Up at #liloven was the third one I’ve been to and I’ve realized that I haven’t even done a photo blog yet! BAD CHARLIE! (spank me lol) So here goes!

Let’s introduce some peeps going clockwise from the closest @susielin, @jeffkang, @rsuenaga, @spldrttngrl and her boyfriend @diecasthawaii

@Melissa808 brought a nice bottle of wine. I didn’t try it though… I’m not much of a wine drinker lol

This here is the Black and White…. and it was F’N AWESOME!!! Milk Chocolate and White Chocolate Pudding w/ Whip Cream Tapioca and an assortment of berries. OMG! This was just simply awesome. I’m sorry @melody that I had the last one :( but next week I won’t order it in hopes of there still being something for you to have :)

IT’S SMILIN808HAPA!!! this is my honored guest for Shirtless Tuesdays… Hehehe it’s always fun when she’s there. Sorry I forgot what your real name was last night Ms. Rachel Dowell :) I’m just used to reading Screen Names hehe sorry!

@MetroMix808 in the house!! hehe she tried giving me a medium sized shirt but I had to decline lol I might fit it from side-to-side but not up and down. LOL oh look I got @Melissa808 in the shot too. Sorry it’s not a great shot :(

This was another good one I had. It’s a Haupia Sundae with like Shreded Coconut baked I think and topped on a Coconut/Vanilla Ice Creme and stuff… I think I ate it to fast for me to remember what was in it and just enjoyed it lol

I like reflections so I had to because the counter is so clean LOL

@kaeokepani and @twobeerqueers came last night too! they went to Big City Diner first though lol and they gave the ballon to Rachel hehe that was cool lol

I had an unexpected entrance with @gnelle coming down so I ordered one more dessert and what was cool is that it’s a Caramalized (sp*) Banana Split that came in a Boat dish! So I called it a Banana Boat Split! LOL cuz i’m cool like that you know! hehe

Well that was it from Little Oven this week. If you want to go click here for directions. It is F’n awesome I swear!

K den!

365 Days Project – 083-087

Day 083 – Ton Katsu @ #1 I <3 Sushi

So the twitter community comes through yet again! I had asked the twitter community “rrr im hungry… hmm where should i go to grab some food on a sunday night… da mall is closed already hmm” and well @melissa808 has come through with this nice little place called #1 I ♥ Sushi. Since It was just me I didn’t really feel like eating sushi since well it should be enjoyed in company (imo). So I ordered a Ton Katsu instead and OMG! was that ono. The thing I really loved was the fact that the sauce there on the side is ton katsu sauce and might I add, a very generous amount of sauce. Usual places you get like a packet or two for your meal. Here! Oh my did I just get a whole dish?! Yes I did and I used every last bit of it. So thank you once again to @melissa808 and everyone else who was watching my progress through good food lol.

Day 084 – SkyFlakes Crackers

I couldn’t decide between a picture of lunch or the greatest crackers ever. Obviously, the SkyFlakes won! LOL If you don’t know what it is, well you need an education in Filipino foods. Haha. I love this stuff with some cheese and luncheon meats.


YES! I finally got it after pre-ordering and waiting for such a long time. I was hoping to get it earlier than the release date, but that didn’t happen. Anyways I’m in love with it and the way it feels is incredible! I haven’t exactly put it down at all today HAHA well I did to type this at least but I have picked it up about 5 times since :-p

Day 086 – Macaroni Grill and Crayons

Yesterday I went to eat lunch with our big boss from California at Macaroni Grill. I always love the face that they give you crayons there for you to draw on the table. So I did what I normally do and write “” on the table. My local boss got a little bored waiting for the food so he started drawing someone then wrote  “” in a voice bubble, so I had to take a pic and post that. I had a hard time trying to figure out what photo I wanted to use yesterday. It this photo, my writing of on the table, me playing with my new phone, or the food I ordered. This one won lol.


Day 087 – Black and White

Last night was another tweet up! at #liloven. good times. i think every thursday is going to be a photo from #liloven lol this here is the Black and White…. and it was F’N AWESOME!!! Milk Chocolate and White Chocolate Pudding w/ Whip Cream Tapioca and an assortment of berries. OMG! This was just simply awesome. There was a Haupia Sunday that was to die for too I’ll post that up later though lol.

Where have I been?! [The W @anuheajams The Shack]

Alright so where or what have I been doing? Well not to much of nothing really, just trying to sort out some things. I have started out a new tuesday night event that you all need to be a part of! Every Tuesday Night will be Shirtless Tuesdays!

Your probably wondering right now “WTF is Shirtless Tuesdays?” Well honestly, it started out as me just mixing on webcam with out a shirt on then in one night it turned in to a Shirtless Event in the chat room. Trying to figure out what I mean? Here look at this.

Shirtless dudes. Oh wells, it attracts the ladies lol

Anyways on to the partying!!!

It was a Giant Birthday Party for two of my peeps. They went all out with a party at The W! I got pics to prove it! Plus I ran into way more people that miss me in the scene then Jesus… ok mayb, maybe not lol.

@hnygirl2000 and her brother Sean were out and about at the party

Wild Wild Wes lol always making funny faces lol

G-Man! Thanks for the drink buddy! I’ll see ya next time I go Z-Bar buddy!

Da Birthday Girl! @princessdani i hadn’t seen her in ages so it was so good to see her there!

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Catch Up Time Again! [365 Days]

Day 069 – Spam Jam

Yeah it doesn’t look like much cuz well… i missed it hahaha. I was working on some stuff at home after a meeting I had, den i went to waikiki and it took me 40mins to get there rrr oh wells it looked like it was another big hit!

Day 070 – New Hush Hush Web Design Project

yes yes im working on a new web project right now. this is wat the layout looks like on paper but it will be so much more lol. you’ll see more laterz but right now im keeping the idea secret from you peoples hehe

Day 071 – WOW yeah i’m an addict of twitter

yup today i made it to 3000 posts on twitter and its all thanks to those who talk to me all the time. the honor went to @bella456 who was the 3000th post lol yay!!

More after the fold

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Day 067 and 068

Day 067 – In the gloomy there is still light

During my dinner break I went home, cooked some food (Cream of Mushroom and Ground Beef my way and always good) listen to some music and played a lil WoW. Little did I know that I was in store for another WoW brewing outside my window. These gorgeous clouds formed and I was amazed so here is the POTD! Enjoy!


yup last night went out to the w with @hnygirl2000 and had one bomb ass mother fucking time! ran into way to many people to count but i’ll try. @sonecssary @don_k_won @grooveent_karl @deejayflip @princessdani @krystilez and so many other who dont have twitter. G Man Wes yeah and so many other idk well piece out bitches!!!

Out and about…. [Level 4, The Shack, Eric Hutchenson Lulu’s]

So a while back I went out to a few places, but I never really had the chance to post up the pics. Well here is a quick post of them all.

Morty from 93.1 The Zone and Intern Ryan was having a good ol’ time lol… Ok well Ryan looks drunk but whatevers haha

Of course Miss Chanel was on the mic telling everyone to get their drink on hahaha

Look at all the people!!! this party is a must be at for the grown and sexy on a Saturday night.

DJ Mike D making peoples feet move to the beat!

After hanging out and running into a lot of familiar faces i jumped ship over to The Shack since Ooklah was playing live. They are always super cool haha.

The following Friday I went over to Lulu’s for the Free Eric Hutchenson concert going on at Lulu’s. The line went down past the starbucks and abc store then around the little island thing and back past starbucks and the abc store down kalakaua… trust me… it was long haha.

I ran into some familiar faces though like! @hayngirlie

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Days 065 and 066

Day 065 – I can’t txt!!

ok so like i cant find my toe nail clipper…. and yes i said toe nail clipper. my nails are so strong that i can’t cut it with a finger nail clipper. trust me i tried. if you zoom in all the way u can see where i tried on my thumb.

on a side note: this is picture #065 which means that I have 300 more to go! yay… wow thats a lot of pics hahaha

Day 066 – A lil extention never hurt

I came in to work today and found a bit of an extention added to our brushes we use for dusting out the computers lol its kinda funny hahaha

Coming up! pics from a long time ago that i haven’t posted yet lol

Catch up again on 365 Days Project

Day 060 – Yogurt? At Cold Stone?

So I got this lil flier in the weekly People East Newspaper. To my surprise it says that Cold Stone sells yogurt. HAHA I guess they realized that all these lil yogurt shops were taking away their business I guess. Well good for them that they are selling a more healthy alternative.

Day 061 – Content Manager Yet Again!

You looking at the picture thinking, ” I don’t get it?” Well recently I’ve been put in charge of a huge project that involves It is the local campus’ website designed by Tad Arima (if anyone know’s Tad tell him to get in touch with me because I haven’t talked to him in years!). He site coding is top notch and well I learned a lot of ASP off of him and now I get to work with one of his creations. I love it. So now that I’m back to doing web design again I feel really whole lol. I like coding and it’s probably the reason why my eyes are going bad.

No wait I know why my eyes are going bad. It’s because I use my 37″ TV as my computer monitor. Yes Kiddies… It’s really bad for your eyes lol

Day 062 – Other Realms

Didn’t have a chance to upload last night but here is the photo of the day. In my search for apartments, @morty931 and @hayngirlie spotted me walking back from a place i just looked at. they asked if i wanted to come along and visit @imakereality at work.

well wen we got there he was pretty surprised. he was also playing warhammer. this game always looks cool, but i really don’t understand it. i probably could some day but not right now. the store that he is working at is Other Realms in Ward Warehouse. Coolest F’n store there lol

Day 063 – The Setup

So, I’ve decided to see what could happen if I applied my self to making professional audio recordings for stuff. So far this is the setup. I know it’s not much and I have a sock tied to the mic for a spit guard, but it’s a start lol

Day 064 – Yup I was on @KGMB9

Heh well sorta… today KGMB 9  introduced their new interactive feature using Twitter and Email. It is to get direct feedback from their viewers on their topic of discussion.

The question was based on the city’s move on removing homeless people from public parks at night. Whether it was good or discriminatory towards the homeless.  I responded “i think it’s good and bad since it makes the park safer yet at the same time where are they going to go now?”

Yay me lol and yay to the staff of @KGMB9, @i9news, @tannyajoaquin, @mduds, and @taizobraden for making this afternoon’s news report a great experience.

Also big shout out this morning to @gracelee9 for a great morning on the air keeping me entertained while i was awake way to early lol. She was pointing out that @jeffbooth9 was coughing way to much on the air lol

Well thats the catch-up be sure to check out the whole project at Video Promo []

So @shaggylive posted up a video from a website called It’s pretty cool actually. What you do is you go in and make a movie script of your own using their pre made up things and turn it in to a 3D animated movie. I know its hard trying to figure out what i’m saying so here…

[youtube: 600 400]

dont forget to comment and tell me what you think!!!