This is my blog of broken dreams... not really. Just me posting shit to the internet. It's not all shit. Some of it is really cool shit! Parental Guidance is strongly advised. Mostly because kids might need help reading some of this shit. Shit be all fucked up.

Utada Hikaru – Meet and Greet 07-12-09

This has been sitting on my site not working for some time now. I couldn't find the original file that I had made as this is over four years old now. I did however find this FLV version that I had uploaded to my website. It's not the best quality but it is what I got. Please enjoy and don't forget to comment.

Still saddened by what Hikki has had to go through as of late but hopefully we all have something bright to hold on to for her to remain strong.

@DeeLuvv’s 21st BDay Party and More BDays galor in the 808 state lol (Oceans 808 The Shack Waikiki)

So this past weekend was a couple birthday parties. Actually ever since I bought my camera that’s all I’ve been covering is birthday parties HAHA. Well this weekend was my good buddy on twitter’s 21st birthday party. So I’ll say it here on my blog HAPPY BIRTHDAY @DEELUVV!!! LOL Welcome to the legal world of alcoholism lol.

So lets get this party started!

The birthday girls, Danielle on the right and her friend (I think it was Caroline.. sorry kinda forgot lol)

Ran into a past Bomb intern Alex

Him and his crew rockin it big having a good time

This was a big surprise! I ran into some buddies I haven’t seen in forevers like high school kine forevers lol Campbell represent!! lol

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365 Days Project On Again!

So if your wondering, "what happened? why are you at day 158 and not day 142?" Well the truth is that someone stole my Point and Shoot camera so I was with out a camera!! So I decided that I’m going to start from the day that it should be. It just doesn’t seem fair to the date really. Mostly since when I get to the end of this the dates a year from now won’t match up at all. Next year I hope I can do this again and I’ll try not to get my camera’s stolen. Like I have any control over that but yeah.

Day 158 – @KristiKubota’s Bday (Pic 142)

Anyways about the photo! Friday was Kristi’s birthday party at The W! It was a great birthday party! Check out the blog post

Day 159 – A festival? Across the street? (Day 143)

The “Rediscover Makiki” festival was being held right outside my window and as cool as that was boy was it noisey. Good thing I didn’t stay home the first night because they were play Madagascar 2 on a giant screen and I could hear every word of it. It was cool to see, but the grass is all F’d up now lol

Day 160 – MJ’s got this guys back LOL (Pic 144)

Went and took a ride around with @gnelle sunday to hang out and stuff and we drove past the smooth criminals mural. This guy just so happen to be standing in the right spot at the right time lol. Well if it wasn’t for the people in the background taking a pic too it would be flawless, but I wanted to capture this guy with MJ’s arm around him. LOL so cool HAHA

Day 161 – Laundry day… (Pic 145)

Yay… laundry (can u sense the sarcasm in there some where…) Yeah and I have to do all of it before I go to work… Work Work Work i want more play play play! LOL

Day 162 – Coconut M&Ms? (Pic 146)

yes thats what it says… it’s ok. tastes like lil mini mounds lol but its missing that real coconut flavor. like they should actually fill it with some sort of shredded coconut or something lol

Day 163 – My New view (Pic 147)

It’s not as spectacular as my last place but it’ll do. I would be happier if i didn’t have these stupid windows and had some kinda big glass or something lol Well when my financial situation gets better I’m going to look into buying.

So that’s it so far. I really love all of you who stuck in there with me. It’s been a long road back to where I want to be and soon there will be more, but for now I have to stick with what I have. I just hope I make enough money with all of this to survive again. Can’t just have one job in this dying economy.


365 Days Project on Hold

If some of you have been wondering what had happened to my 365 Days Project and why I have stopped. Well it goes like this, there are a lot of thieves in this world and apparently they like to steal from me. Earlier this year I had lost my dSLR at my previous job where someone came in and just straight up stole my setup. I had been going on anyway with my project using my point and shoot and that was working great. Well… someone stole that one from my bag at my current job.  So now I have no camera to take pictures with. I have my video camera, but that’s just way to much of a hassle to use to take pictures with.

So for now I’ve put the whole project on hold until I either replace my cameras or just stop caring. I’ll post up the rest of the photos that I have not posted yet here.

Day 137 – I didn’t feel like cooking so I ordered from @PizzaHut (funny story)

So I guess the delivery girl she was down stairs for a while.She called to tell me she as on her way, but I didn’t think she’d get here so fast so I didn’t go down to get my order, so she sounded a bit mad on the phone when she called to tell me she was down there. I get there and all the mad went away because I think she thought I was cute or something. To bad she was like 50+ or something haha

Day 138 – Fire in Waikiki

This was an interesting one yesterday… I’m on my way to Shack Waikiki to MC and as I’m walking there I notice a ton of smoke coming out from the sewer drain! Crazy! I mean literally there was a fire under ground. I don’t know how it started but it was crazy lol.

Day 139 – Well it’s like still 4th of July fun

but it was also the 5th of July too lol so this counts as my next day of 365 days project. it was a good fun night with lots of friends i haven’t talked to in a while plus i was hanging out with @kristikubota which made it even more fun too. yes this would be my normal goose 7 (which is most of the time sprite but watever)

Day 140 – My Cold Remedy

rrr i got sick again rrr well this is my usual remedy.. i hope to be over it soon

Day 141 – Ono Chicken Oh how I missed you…

AAA BBQ i love their Ono Chicken always good stuff lol

Well that’s all there is left. I want to thank all of you who have been faithful to my blog and project, but the time of Photog has come to an end for now. I do still plan on buying a new camera, just when I can afford it.

Party Pics! [pagoda, oceans, black diamond, honolulu design center, zanzabar]

So I think I have a lot of pics to catch up with but I’ll hold off by just going with recent events lol.

Now I know this sounds crazy but it’s been happening for a couple weeks now and it’s pretty off the CHAIN!! It’s call Make Ass Mondays at (get this) The Pagoda Hotel. Check it out.

If your wondering, this is the entertainment area above the dining area with the pond. It’s pretty packed huh?

Sexy dancing girls are always a plus lol

Look it’s my favorite @ChinaVagina!! lol Yeah I think I forgot to shave that day :-

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Day 136 – My favorite team

My job is replacing all the carpet on three floors of the building, so we had hired some student help. I have to say that I’m pretty impressed with my team and what they accomplished. These four here did a lot of work and I’m very impressed. In fact all of our student help did a good job, but these four did a great job. Moving tables, computers, monitors, keyboards, mouses. Never waited to be told to do something, they actually came up to me and asked what they could do. After we completed the first day’s worth of tasks, I asked them to help me sort out some stuff in our office since stuck a lot of stuff in there too. They are great lol.

Rhea, Joyce, Jenalyn, and Mary (left to right) thanks a lot!

365 Days Project – 097-111

Day 098 – The boxes are getting high…

Yup i’m packing up all my stuff from my studio now… yeah what’s sad is how many bills i have put off so that i could move into a new place.. right now i have no phone or internet. (i’m borrowing off of someone in my building right now) i’m probably not going to be able to do shirtless tuesdays tomorrow night :'( I need to have like an extra $700 like right now to get my self connected to something again… rrr nothing i can do though. i’m totally without anything till i get paid again :(

Day 099 – KC Waffle Dogs!!

Hell-to the fuckin’-Yeah!! Yup there are KC Waffle dogs at Shirokiya this week and oh yeah I bought 3 and ate ’em already hahaha. I’ll probably go 2moro and get some more… i probably shouldn’t I gotta save money.

Day 100 – My last night shot…

This is my last night shot from the apartment that I have been in for almost two years… I actually think on June 1st makes two years. I’m going to miss this view but I will have a new view to take pics of. So I just don’t know what I’m going to do about internet.. I don’t get that till the 11th RRR

Day 101 – My new place

Yup this is the first night I’m going to spend here. Kinda quite and kinda hot, but I will manage. I’m used to being hot living in Ewa Beach before, but not I have no way of making it absolutely cold with an A/C unit. Right now my TV and sound system is all setup and good to go. Yes yes probably shouldn’t be my first priority but I wanted it first mostly because I need music to work or else I’m unmotivated. Tomorrow is another day and it’ll still be here when I’m ready for it.

More pictures will be posted as I start to make my new place home.

Day 102 – Moving is tough

Well as you can see a lot of my boxes are open and my air bed is up lol thats about it my TV and computers are setup thats about it lol but its ok soon it’ll all be put away soon

Day 103 – The empty old apartment

Well this is my old apartment after getting Shampoo’d pretty cool to see it empty. The carpet guy said that for two years my carpet looked pretty good. I was pretty proud, but to bad he didn’t see it when Logan spilled his puke all over the floor. You can’t even tell he did lol. *it’s because i’m the shit LOL*

Day 104 – Bonsai with @hnygirl2000

Well after a lot of moving and stuff there is no better cure than going out and having a blast with friends. @hnygirl2000 wanted to go out and see her friend at Oceans808 then after we went to Bonsai and eventually back to Oceans808. Thanks to @RickRockStar to hooking it up at the front door. It was good seeing @djkoole808 @djdoggfather @komradusocc @drew4one @joshjayallday @deejayflip DJ Technique and it seemed like a ewa beach party too! i saw choke people from the leeward side lol.

Day 105 – My feet hate it…

Ok so officially my feet hate walking in business shoes to work… plus the tile flooring is killing me too rrr… my feet used to look good now they look like an old grandpa feet :'(

Day 106 – Cityscape

So today i was just sitting waiting for the #18 bus to come by (found out that it runs every 1hr and 15mins) and i looked up and saw this and i just had to take a pic. its kinda beautiful yeah? ok im done i just miss this neighborhood thats all. i mean im still working in it but im not living in it so its not the same :'( oh wells i can still visit so its cool lol

Day 107 – They are all off

Yeah last night we had to shut down all the computers since the power was going to be taken down again throughout the building. It’s been an interesting few days.

Day 108 – That’s not good…

Yeah after our power incident on Tuesday, the AC was off on Wednesday and a lot of these computers weren’t working. Yesterday (Thursday), I figured out why. It says that the computers were shutdown due to overheating… Great… Well that’s what happens when you have a whole bunch of slim form factor computers running without AC or proper ventilation. Computers run better cold.

Day 109 – Toilet Bowl Fixed

The last tenant must have taken some serious shits…. Cuz who ever it was really messed it up and water was pouring out the back. Anyways, my landlord called his plumber and he fixed it. However they guy left a mess in my bathroom like all that crap he left on the back lol. Now I gotta clean dat shit!

Day 110 – Roosevelt High School Graduation

Ok I’m going to be honest here… I was totally thinking about the game snake while they were coming down and out. The line was so long, it just looked like the snake kept eating and getting longer. THEY WERE WALKING LIKE 2MPH!!!

Day 111 – My new love…

Yes its a fan! I love my fans hahah. Yes its freakin hot so i bought a fan. and now it adores me lol my fan adores me. I will buy more fans soon lol

Day 088-097 – [365 Days Project]

Day 088 – @aieabowl for good food and bowling

Yeah last night Patricia needed a night out cuz she starts working 8pm – 7am this week so she needed a reason to stay up so she could sleep the rest of the day lol. So we went to @aieabowl and it was cool. She ordered the pork chops which are breaded and deep fried I think. That’s some good shit right there lol. I ordered my usual Pulehu Steak. I fuckin’ love this stuff. Cooked just the way I like it.

Anyways, after me and @hnygirl2000 finally got a lane, she persisted to kick my ass at bowling. I didn’t even break 100. God I suck at bowling lol.

Day 089 – Four car accident

someone wasnt paying attention obviously lol. what was really annoying was that there were people practically stopping to look at what was going on… those people are really stupid.

Day 090 – Elim’s

@melissa808 is doing an article on the hidden gems of Keeaumoku and the Samsung Plaza. She invited me to have dinner with her and a few other twitter buddys such as @ski11z, @megspeaks, and @jlieu. We were all going to eat at #1 I <3 Sushi, but when I got there, it was closed. Which was weird because it says it’s open at 5pm on Sunday. Oh wells, so we went to another Gem called Elim’s. Very good Korean dishes here. I had the Kim Chee Hamberger Steak. You couldn’t taste the spice, but the flavor was great!

Day 091 – Mmm BaumRoll

Yeah nothing really great happened today… kinda sad really, but these things taste awesome! Last one hehe to eat it or save it.. hmmm

Day 092 – Shirtless Tuesdays (Show 03)

yes I realize its hard to see but its hard to mix entertain and take a pic all at the same time lol. anyways this is Shirtless Tuesdays happening every Tuesday Night for all the Insomniacs. Gotta love themed nights.

Day 93 – Hikki’s New Album!!!

I went to ala moana last night and hung out with @ShaGirl1115 and went over to Sam Goody’s to pick up Utada’s new album. I played her whole album online over my Stream and that was hella cool! People really like it! and… SO DO I!!! but of course i do lol.

Day 094 – Bikini Contest at The Shack Waikiki

Went with @MORTY931 to The Shack Waikiki last night for Oasis. I was just looking for a good time and well I got that with good friends and a BIKINI CONTEST!!! WHOA!!! oh and $2 Coronas helped out too lol

Day 095 – The path

This is a walking path to my new place out in Punahou. I saw this and thought it was such a gorgeous site to see. Soon I will post pics of the new empty place then pics with all my stuff in it.

Day 096 – Manoa Falls Hike

Yesterday I went to Manoa falls with my friend Brittany and all her friends. It was a birthday hike since her’s was the day before. It was a great hike and a lot of things to look at on the way up. I was very very surprised. The only thing though… It hadn’t rained much past few days so the falls wasn’t like a giant waterfall but it was falling lol.

Day 097 – Diamond Head Cove Bar w/ @Anuheajams

Tonight I wasn’t really planning on doing much, but then I saw that Anuhea was going to be playing at Diamond Head Cove Bar I just had to go. So sad though sitting there with the urge to trying and tweet but can’t because my phone services are off… FML I’ll post up a video soon of everything though so no worries.