Ok… I’m going to come out and just say it right now… I WAS FUCKED UP THIS NIGHT!! LOL
Author: CharlieBoy808
Wow! Microsoft’s Concept Idea Courier
So, I’ve decided to do a little more than just post photo blogs here. Mostly because I been thinking that I would love to share my thoughts and ideas about stuff going on around the world. Well since I have a blog that people actually check out from time to time I’m going to start posting up some stuff that interests me! SO :-p
Anyways, I was going through my Google Reader today and I came across this article from engadget about a concept idea from Microsoft called the Courier. The idea is like having a little touch-screen “book” at about a netbook size. So no it won’t fit in your pocket (unless you rockin’ some old school Junco pants) and it’s not like an iPad. Both screens are touch screen giving you the freedom to do stuff on both sides. Now from the video that engadget has on their site, the concept looks to work well with people who are designers of all types. Of course this is just a concept and I’m sure it doesn’t stop there.
Now comes my opinion on the concept. Engadget did not touch on this part, but the Courier in the video was being used as a book, journal, address book, and a camera while staying in the book orientation. Well I think, what if you turn it and have one screen up and the other as a keyboard/touchpad/multi-touch surface for applications.
Anyways check out the post on their site here!
This is the difference…
got bail?
Yes, that’s right! Your’s truely @CharlieBoy808 is going behind bars for GOOD! I’m going behind bars to help Jerry’s Kids© and MDA. To be released on good behavior I have to raise bail and I need your help! By the way, if you’d like you could also pay to keep me in longer. I’m sure none of you would like to keep me locked up behind bars though :)
You can write me a check, give me cash or visit my website below and make a donation via credit card! It doesn’t get any easier than that! I will also be taking donations during #ShirtlessTuesdays. So if you want to get in on that. I’ll also be posting up who donates up on my sites CharlieBoy808.com and Shirtlesstuesdays.com
The Hawaii Chapter serves people with neuromuscular disease in our state by providing a clinic at Castle Medical Center, assistance with the purchase and repair of wheelchairs, braces and communication devices, and a special camp for Jerry’s Kids each summer at Camp Erdman. MDA also funds research grants to help find treatments and cures for 43 neuromuscular diseases that affect people of all ages.
Please help me raise my bail of $2,000… I want to help send two kids to MDA Summer Camp at Camp Erdman on Oahu’s North Shore!
CharlieBoy808 in Vegas (Lord have mercy on their souls LoL)
Well if you didn’t know I was in Vegas a couple weeks ago and oh boy was it a memorable one. It was supposed to be a business trip, which it was (the last two days), but who said you can’t have a bit of fun too. I mean come on! It’s Vegas!!! LOL
So let me set the story here. Me, Sam The Man (of 102.7 Da Bomb) and Nathan Green of New Level Radio were set to go to Vegas for a conference (The Digital Signage Expo). However, Sam’s family thought it would be good if they all got together while he was up there. So it went from business to a hell of a lot of fun!! LOL Sam’s family is absolutely awesome and a lot of fun.
Now I know it’s been a while since I made a post like this, but hey I’m gonna give it a shot. I also gotta admit, I didn’t do a lot of Photog’ing. I don’t know why really. Part of me just wanted to enjoy it for what it was. Another part was thinking, “I don’t want to be out here with this crappy ass lens.”
Anyways lets get this started!!
Here is Sam’s family (omg i had all of their names in my head while i was up there now i forget… ugh F my brain…)
Sam’s mom and dad!
The first night we landed and wanted to eat since the airplane food is basically crap LOL So we went to this place called BLT. I ordered a BLT with some extra cheese. It was alright. I still prefer Teddy’s Bigger Burger (i still gotta try burgers on the edge LOL) by the way… thats not a pickle. more like a cucumber…
STM got the same LOL
There are a lot of photos so more after the break
by La Cutie of www.DoSomethingTonight.com
ACID WASH is one of the BEST weekly events in Hawaii’s nightlife, playing favorite 80’s music every Wednesday with a definitive style that has made ACID WASH WEDNESDAY one of the biggest PARTIES ever. DJ VEGAS MIKE is best described as breaking down the boundaries of normal weekly nightclubs, even though it started as a slow night, he stuck with his guns and made it the party it is today. Here is a conversation I had with him on the upcoming 4 YEAR ANNIVERSARY of ACID WASH WEDNESDAY.
La Cutie: Four years of Acid Wash! That must feel magnificent! Did you ever think it would last this long?
VEGAS MIKE: It’s awesome, but it has been a roller coaster ride to say the least. When we started Acid Wash at Next Door, it was only open six months and I moved here to help open the club, so I didn’t know that many people yet. I knew the night would find a niche’ audience, but I didn’t think we would be talking about it 4 years later.
La Cutie: The name Acid Wash is a perfect name for a 80s night event, how did you come up with the name Acid Wash?
VEGAS MIKE: I didn’t actually. Back in the Next Door days, the boys and I had a brainstorming session (if you know what I mean) and Ivan came up with it. It’s a good name, thanks again Ivan.
La Cutie: Will this ACID WASH anniversary be any different from your other anniversaries?
VEGAS MIKE: Well last year we didn’t have one. It was during the changeover between the Loft and Living Room. I just moved back from Vegas. There was a lot going on and not all of it good. 2 years ago we had a big fat drunken blow out, and the first year we had Jerry Cassale from Devo. I think this one will be more like the 2nd year…lol
La Cutie: What do you think are the biggest changes of ACID WASH in the past year?
VEGAS MIKE: Location, location and location. Loft to Living Room to SOHO, it’s hard to keep people interested when you change venues that much, but everything happens for a reason. Soho is our home now, they’re good to us and we love being there.
La Cutie: Why do you believe ACID WASH has been successful, what is your secret formula?
VEGAS MIKE: The formula is the same as the day we started. No cover, cheap drinks and play songs the girls like. Our success is based on the people that have made Acid Wash their Wednesday night spot. Without our crowd, we are nothing and I would like to thank each and every one of them for that.
La Cutie: What is your most memorable moment of the past 4 years?
VEGAS MIKE: There are a few… Bringing Andy Rourke from the Smiths and Daniel Ash from Bauhaus/Love and Rockets to Next Door was huge. Getting to bring Acid Wash to The Palms in Vegas and having Dennis Rodman’s birthday at my party was a big one. Opening night at The Living Room was an incredible night, and the mechanical bull at Soho was one I won’t forget anytime soon. There have been many.
La Cutie: How did you guys (the original four DJs) team up for ACID WASH?
VEGAS MIKE: I had the idea in late 05′, to do an 80’s night. After the holidays were over, I told G about it, he got Quik involved, and then Nocturna came on board. There wasn’t anything else to do on a Wednesday back then… NOTHING. So we started with absolutely no budget and had almost no people there, but that changed soon enough, and the rest is history.
La Cutie: This is the first time in a long time that the original four DJs (G-spot, Nocturna, Quiksilva, and yourself, Vegas Mike) have played together, when was the last time you guys were all together?
VEGAS MIKE: We were all together about a year or so ago, but the last time we all played together was probably April of 08′ I think. There was some friction between some us for a while, but I’m very glad to say that it’s all behind us. Life is too short, and this island is too small to hold grudges. Every family has problems and differences with each other, working it out is what keeps the family strong.
La Cutie: Well, Vegas Mike, the DST team (DoSomethingTonight.com) are grateful for Wednesday’s drunken nights. We have enjoyed the journey with you and ACID WASH.
Do you have any shout outs you would like to make?
VEGAS MIKE: My shouts are to everyone that helps the night happen, Miss Jenny Lee, DJ Nocturna, La Cutie, DST, Daniel, Joy, Marty, and Max @ Soho, And everyone that hangs out with us on Wednesday night. Thanks to all.
La Cutie: We are looking forward to many more party nights at ACID WASH and so we end this interview with a 80s trivia question. So, who shot JR?
VEGAS MIKE: I don’t know who shot JR, I never watched that show.
Never a cover, always a good time. We hope you can join us.
2$ drinks before 11pm
CONTACT Mike Licata:
“Acid Wash Wednesday” @ SOHO
Happy Birthday Killa Keith (Paparazzi)
YES I’M STILL ALIVE!! [Smash.It.Up, Chanel BDay, Superbowl]
Utada Hikaru – Pipeline Cafe – January 15, 2010
Ok I will admit, I was pretty depressed that I couldn’t take my camera to the concert last night. Ok, maybe depressed isn’t strong enough of a word. Actually, I was very pissed at LiveNation for not letting me bring my camera in. I would have only been doing a little bit of event coverage. A few photos then, I’m done and just enjoying the great sounds of Hikki!!!!
To be honest? I had a great time anyways!!! LOL I ran into a lot of friends that I haven’t seen in a while and that was great. All the pipeline security guards are awesome as always; not the extra guys that LiveNation hired. Of course also all the Pipeline staff. Da Bomb Squad was out and about doing their promo thing.
Now onto the important part, HIKKI!!!! Don’t we all love her so much that we packed the whole place for the first time in a long time LOL. No offense to the owner, but it really hasn’t been that full in forever LOL. Utada sung her heart out as she started her American tour here first in Hawaii. Which to me is pretty awesome. She still got it after all of these years. I know I’m dating myself here, but lets not forget that the album First Love came out way back in 1999. That’s 11 years in March. Automatic/Time Will Tell came out in December of 1998 as her debut to Japan and overseas to the world. At age 26, Hikaru has accomplished many great feats. Five Japanese albums, three English albums, and who knows how many countless concerts. So me, just simple good ol’ Charlie, who has waited a whole decade to see his all time favorite artist take the stage in front of him was, well, OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG!!!!!!!!! No seriously, that’s how I was last night.
This was the only shot I managed to get the whole night :( but at least I got something (with my crappy cellphone camera).
THERE SHE IS!!!! WOAH!!! Let me just say I was so so happy!! :) :) :)
I know I was lucky enough back in July to get my chance to meet her and I was soooo happy, but this time I got to see her really really perform and I was soooo happy! One thing I can check off of my list of things to do in life. LOL. It was funny that the Japanese people (well just women) that were around me didn’t believe that it was really her. I had to reassure them (in Japanese mind you) that she really was there. They thought her face was different LOL. She did lose some weight since I last saw her in July, but I’m sure that was Hikki in the flesh. She was so AWESOME!!!!! I think I threw off the women I was talking to since I’m, you know, white, but I spoke with a Japanese accent. LOL Oh the things you can learn by watching Anime :-p
If you missed my video of Utada Hikaru from back in July, click here to watch!
Surf Shack Saturdays – January 09, 2010 – Ten Feet!
It’s been way to long since I’ve last seen Ten Feet play live and boy did they jam!! Brings back so many memories LOL Anyways, you all don’t care about my jibba-jabba! You wanna see photos from the night. In fact, you probably didn’t even read this, you skipped right to the big huge mosaic under this. LOL
Well here’s a bit of news! I got a new site up and running called http://shirtlesstuesdays.com. So if you’re a fan of the show or just love the music, go ahead and check it out. Subscribe to the podcast through iTunes and just enjoy!