Its days like these that help me remember that I love weekends with my baby :-) we went to fosters botanical garden. I got eaten alive by mosquitoes but not as bad as my baby lol. The we went up to tantalus and looked at the ocean. Today was a great day and we need more of these :-) .
Author: CharlieBoy808
Day 022/365 – Terrible use of tape to make a window
Day 021/365 – The result of being tagged in an old photo… to funny :-)
Yeah lately I’ve been getting a lot of emails because of facebook lol. A friend of mine posted an old old photo from back in the days of elementary. He also tagged a lot of us in it. Now its like a virtual reunion going on hahaha. Well now I need to go through 1476 unreadable emails so excuse me for a moment lol
Day 020/365 – YogurStory
Day 019/365 – Tie day
Day 018/365 – Testing day with GoPro while riding
So today I will be honest…. has been a seriously stressful day. I’ve had to deal with a lot of stuff today, but it should be alright I hope. In the picture you see my lastest YouTube video of me wearing my GoPro while I ride to work. It isn’t for those who have a weak stomach. It just goes to show the abilities of how many places you can really mount the camera. The wide angle lenses is looking to be what I wanted out of this camera. Check out my videos at
Day 017/365 – So akward situations and testing my GoPro
So today we had to build a cubicle for an office area. The problem was that the keys for the van weren’t on campus because somebody didn’t bring them back with him LOL. So I had to sit next to his paddle board while we went over to the storage facility. I had slide under it so that we could get what we needed nicely under it LoL. This is why you hire a big guy and a skinny guy for tech work. It just makes life easier lol.
Also, here is some test video from my new GoPro. I just uploaded it straight with no editing. If you are wondering where the sound is? Well I had it in the waterproof case so the mic couldn’t hear SHIT! lol
Day 016/365 – YAY!! I got a GoPro!
Day 015/365 – A Splendid Day w/ My Baby
So to make it official here is my photo of the day LOL
To figure out how we got to this photo please follow my journey lol.
Last night we went to @V_Lounge for some good pizza and drinks :-)
That was great up until I got half way through this…
When I started to get light headed, dizzy, and a small headache LOL
I have never seen it this green which was nice but not so nice. Since all the rain came this week a lot of the path was different and slightly unstable. Made it almost a whole new trail to climb.
There were a lot of little bugs flying all over my sweaty body. I had to take my shirt off seriously the hot humid tempurature was killing me lol.
Once we got to the top though we sat on a ledge and relaxed for a bit. Talked story for a long while and just enjoyed her and I for a bit.
She then wanted to go to Hanauma Bay which was nice I’ll admit. I haven’t been there since I was a kid. It is totally different since the last time I was there and it was kinda weird how they seriously made the place a big tourist attraction.
It is still really really beautiful though. However it was really really windy so we didn’t do a lot of snorkling. So Sunday we’ll probably go back for more. I might just go and pick up a GoPro Camera to take underwater with me. That’ll be cool. I’ve always wanted one.
They have been doing a good job though of perserving the coral though. I mean a lot of it looks dead but there is life there if you look hard enough.
There was a lot of green to look at in the surroundings as well.
The reef and ocean beyond was also very beautiful.
Here’s one last look from Hanauma Bay towards the green green Koko Head. I’m still amazed at what the heavy down pour did to the mountain.
All-in-all, it was a great and wonderful day.
Happy New Year Everyone!!!
It has been a great year and it has now come to an end and oh what an end it was. Now lets mark off the new year right with good vibes and good times. Thank you to all of you who have been a part of my life this year, you will all be the reason why my life will continue to be epic!
I love you all! Peace OUT!