Its pretty interesting when I go walking or feuding around the neighborhood I live in now. Lots of place are familiar but aren’t the same as when I left so many years ago. Like here is Stevenson Middle School. I used to play here as a kid. Rosevelt High School right next to it. I wonder what would have happened if I stayed in town lol. So many what if questions its mind boggling.
Author: CharlieBoy808
Day 051/365 – so after 2yrs my next disc finally arrives off of my netflix queue lol
Day 050/365 – Breakfast after a night of drinking is much needed lol
Day 049/365 – Oh the fun in my life
Day 048/365 – OMFG its so hot i needed this..
Day 047/365 – Nursing my baby back to health.
I took today off to hopefully get @partyallmyown back on her feet. She’s doing much better now. I helped her with everything she needed and took her out and about. Even bought her new shoes and some fruits. We even saw some fish at Modern on Makaloa. Let’s just say it was a long wait to fill her perscription. After a long long nap, we walked around the Makiki District Park. Being outside walking around made her feel a lot better and I’m glad I was there for every bit of it :-) I love you baby!!
Day 046/365 – #Shirtlesstuesdays made a return after a month vacation!
It was great being on again. I posted the recent mix to go check it out. Thanks to @DJSMOOK @Mel808 @scotty808 @Melissa808 @Hnygirl2000 @SoulTapestry @KaimanaPine @NEENZ @ParkRat @KaimanaPine @smilin808hapa @tadasauce @s4xton for being a part of the show!! Having you folks come in and check it out is always something special.
To bad I had to take my wonderful @partyallmyown to the ER later on that night. She wasn’t feeling to well, but she is better now thank god. Thanks for all the well wishes.
Day 045/365 – Our lovely Valentines Day
Yeah it wasn’t much considering I had the pleasure of working… but we made the best of it.
The picture you see above is what I got called out for on the Sam and Ryan show lol. Yes I did go to Leonard’s Bakery to get my baby some lovely pink and red malasadas. I also stopped off some where to get her roses and a ballon too. If you are asking yourself, “why didn’t you pick them up before hand?” MY GIRL LIVES WITH ME! WHERE AM I GOING TO STICK THEM? lol
Here’s Tiny showing us a bit of his love.
She brought me lunch/dinner on my break at work aww… i love her katsu. It’s really good!
And to top off the night we went to get some ice cream ;-) I had the Ben & Jerry’s of course.
Day 044/365 – Our Pre-Valentines Day Outting @ The Navatek Whale Watching
I’m writing this on Valentines Day as I wanted to get everything we did yesterday all in to one whole post I hope you like it. I’ll do the same with today’s post and post it tomorrow probably :-)
So for our Valentines Day we decided to have it the day before since I’m going to be working on V-Day. It was a very special day. This was the first time Julia would be seeing whales in person. She told me that when she saw the whales she almost cried. So cute ya?!
There were lots of old people there on our deck but that’s to be expected on a vacation tour thing.
Julia had a Mai Tai and she liked it. I had a drink called a Chi Chi which is basically a Pina Colada with vodka instead of rum. I forgot to take a picture since I drank it kinda fast LOL.
Lunch was actually really good. Since it was a buffet, I thought it wouldn’t be that good, but surprisingly it was!
As we were enjoying the food, they had already started to see whales outside it was rather exciting for all the people watching, BUT WE WERE STILL EATING! lol We weren’t really that far off shore.
We finally got outside and we saw the Star of Honolulu LOL. They be trolling our tails for the bounty!!
Their photographer had a much better lens than I brought a board (100-400mm Canon L) So I’m sure he caught much better shots than me. Here are my attempts at getting the shot.
Here we see a baby calf breaching. Not something you see every time on whale tour.
The baby seemed to be very happy to be alive it seems :-)
Then we were almost boarded by Somalian pirates LOL J/K just a fishing boat. It was kind of messed up though they went straight through our viewing of the whales. Like literally right at them. I was thinking “WTF YO! YOU GOING HIT THEM A$$HOLES!” I guess they were ok though :)
Here is one of the ballasts that the Navatek uses.
If you are unfamiliar with the Navatek technology behind their ship, you should look it up. It’s actually pretty interesting.
MAMA WAS HUGE!! That’s just her back lol
Oh we got to see a little sea turtle pop it’s head out of the water that was pretty cool.
LoL sometimes I realize… I’m not as good a photographer as I’d like to be outside in the daylight LOL
Old lady getting in my shot wtf?
I want to own a boat for this purpose seriously
My baby looking beautiful and enjoying the ocean.
Yay! I got some light on her face lol
This was just fucking hilarious when I saw it. WTH KEEP CLOSED! It really means “water tight hatch,” but seriously “what the hell” just seems funnier.
Later on that night we went to California Pizza Kitchen. Tried out their new “Small Cravings” Menu. On the left a spicy quesadilla and on the right a Korean BBQ Steak soft taco. Weird but tasty. I didn’t take a picture of our actual meal though. I had the Jamaican Jerk Chicken Pizza and she had the Thai Salad.
Later on went walking around Ala Moana and she was just loving all the plants in an empty mall. She loved it.
After we went to Wal Mart to look for a few things we needed and I found a big blast from the past! You remember this shit!? Fruit Stripe Gum!! Says it has a longer lasting flavor. Yeah I noticed it lasted about maybe five minutes longer. HAHA Not a huge improvement I’d say.
Anyways, it was a great day and I was very happy to have spent my whole day with my lovely. Next up Valentines Day post!