This is my blog of broken dreams... not really. Just me posting shit to the internet. It's not all shit. Some of it is really cool shit! Parental Guidance is strongly advised. Mostly because kids might need help reading some of this shit. Shit be all fucked up.

Day 060/365 – Woah VHS tapes and pancakes!

So this day one of our neighbors was moving out what looked to be rather sudden. They were in a big rush so it seemed. While I was trying to take care of some laundry this huge pile of tapes and other junk just was left there. It has been a while since I’ve seen VHS tapes lol.

After that though it was off to iHop for some free pancakes! Woo!

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Day 057/356 – Day of FOODZ!!! Catch up pt3

So in this post we had a food filled day of well… FOOD!!! Checked out Kimo’s in Kailua since I was up there doing an install and OMG that shit was GOOD!!! Potogee sausage with swiss cheese omelette was winners but the pancakes were awesome. that macadamia nut syrup is not to be fucked with lol

Later that night we went for some drinks at V Lounge and two whole pizzas. Hey! I was fucking hungry LOL.

Day 055/365 – Tiny loves the cat grass. Catch up on photos pt 1

So if you have been following the stream you will notice we started a little garden right? well recently I found out how much Tiny loves cat grass lol He really fucking loves the stuff LOL

I know that I’ve been getting behind in photos just really hard to take out the memory card and do something… lots of stuff on my plate as of late… ughh

Day 054/365 – Mini Garden Complete (for now lol)

So what do we have here? Last night we finished planting everything we needed. Since we kind of failed at it yesterday lol. So what do we have? Lettuce, green onion, jalapeno, strawberries, honohono orchids, dendrobium orchid, desert rose, tomatos, something idk what the name is and something else probably for i also forgot what it was called too. LoL

Well I hope these grow well and bloom great. There will be more photos for sure.