This is my blog of broken dreams... not really. Just me posting shit to the internet. It's not all shit. Some of it is really cool shit! Parental Guidance is strongly advised. Mostly because kids might need help reading some of this shit. Shit be all fucked up.

Hmm… why do so many people have dents in their right rear?

It was great to see though after @partyallmyown and I went to Sorabol. She recently backed her car in to a jeep and ended up with a small dent (on the right). The car next to hers is a bigger dent so OH WELLS! lol


After looking at it though, I began to notice all the other cars around us that had dents or scratches on the right rear area. Come on people use your mirrors please :-) I’d imagine in Japan the dents would be on the Left side LOL

Day 073/365 – My Strawberries are almost ready! and a night in Waikiki without the party LOL


The flower is starting to go away and the middle is starting to get bigger. The big surprise though is how many are starting to grow now. What was once just one is now THREE!! I’m sure I’ll have more before the first one is even ready.


Tiny is so nosy though. When ever he gets a chance, he runs outside to see what is going on. He loves trying to look at what is going on in my neighbors unit. I don’t know why.




Later on that night we took a walk around Kapiolani Park and looked at the ocean side. It’s always nice to just walk around there. I remember when I lived in Waikiki I would walk around there all the time. Good place to think.

[[posterous-content:pid___1]]I was also singing to @partyallmyown. You know, to set the mood right. LOL Look we found a dead crab! I don’t know why it was just there, but I guess someone wasn’t hungry anymore. :-( Oh wells I’m sure someone will come along and snag it LOL

Day 071/365 – I is HUNGRY!! LOL Using Yelp to find food late at night.

But then we ended up doing what we always do… Went to VLounge and got some Pizza and Drinks!!


They were featuring a new Menu too! I felt so bad though for the first Pizza that we ordered since it sounded sooo good. The Capicola. OMG IT WAS SOOOOOO GOOODDDD!!! there was only one problem, I didn’t know what Capicola was. So we Googled it to find out and well its basically the shoulder section of a pig, meaning @PartyAllMyOwn wasn’t going to eat it LOL so we ordered another pizza to the Marguerita.



Day 070/365 – Video editing disaster.

I honestly don’t understand how video editors can do this stuff so quickly and not go insane when it comes to this type of chaos. The more and more videos I found, the more and more I edited the video, the more and more I started to feel like I was going insane. It was so devastating what was going on and I felt totally helpless. In a sense though I felt like making this video to help people understand that they need to donate to the Red Cross or something to help these people out. They are in dire need of assistance in this situation.

What really pisses me off though is that there are people out there who feel “vindicated” because of Pearl Harbor. Those people seriously need to get some shit beat into them. What ignorance I  swear. Well Above is the video if you haven’t seen it yet. I left this in the description if you want to find the rest of the videos and what I have to say about it:

This is just some video I’ve managed to put together to show just how bad it is in japan. Seriously this is no laughing matter at what has occurred here this day. People if you can find a way to help, then help. If you can donate here, call a loved one there, or just comfort those around you who may have loved ones there. This is a dire time for all that are involved. Realize that this world is only so big and the lives we live can be cut short at a moments notice. Don’t forget to say that little extra “I love you” before you part with your loved ones. You may never know if it’ll be your last.

Bye Bye

Day 070/365 – Video editing disaster.


I honestly don’t understand how video editors can do this stuff so quickly and not go insane when it comes to this type of chaos. The more and more videos I found, the more and more I edited the video, the more and more I started to feel like I was going insane. It was so devastating what was going on and I felt totally helpless. In a sense though I felt like making this video to help people understand that they need to donate to the Red Cross or something to help these people out. They are in dire need of assistance in this situation.

What really pisses me off though is that there are people out there who feel “vindicated” because of Pearl Harbor. Those people seriously need to get some shit beat into them. What ignorance I  swear. Well Above is the video if you haven’t seen it yet. I left this in the description if you want to find the rest of the videos and what I have to say about it:

This is just some video I’ve managed to put together to show just how bad it is in japan. Seriously this is no laughing matter at what has occurred here this day. People if you can find a way to help, then help. If you can donate here, call a loved one there, or just comfort those around you who may have loved ones there. This is a dire time for all that are involved. Realize that this world is only so big and the lives we live can be cut short at a moments notice. Don’t forget to say that little extra “I love you” before you part with your loved ones. You may never know if it’ll be your last.
Video links:


Bye Bye