This is my blog of broken dreams... not really. Just me posting shit to the internet. It's not all shit. Some of it is really cool shit! Parental Guidance is strongly advised. Mostly because kids might need help reading some of this shit. Shit be all fucked up.

So I’m moving to California

Well it is official. I just the word that I’ll be moving Victorville California. I got a job there as an IT Manager and will be starting in February. This is seriously major and crazy all at the same time!! LOL Honestly I’m scared yet happy that I’m finally going to do this. I’ve thought about doing this so many times I don’t even know the number. All I know is that it is time for a change of pace. At least for a little while. I know for sure that I want to do this mostly because of my credit score. If it takes me leaving home to do this then so be it. I’ll be back eventually but in time I’ll try and enjoy the mainland for a bit.

Life will sure be different considering that I’m leaving my home of 29 years. It isn’t like I haven’t been there before, but that’s just vacation. This is permanent-ish. Not to worry though, at least I get vacation time right? I sure as hell hope so at least LOL. I will have a support crew out there as all us Hawaiians probably know someone out there living so at least I’ll be surround by friends. To myself, the many things that I will have is all of my memories to look back on. Thank goodness I took up photography as a hobby otherwise I wouldn’t of had anything to look back on. All my friends, family, life, locations, places I’ve been, etc… They have been documented for all the world to see and now for all my memory to look back at.

I started trying to make a set of photos on Flickr to house my Hawaii Memories but up to 13,000+ photos and my browser just crashes like crazy. However, so you all can see what fond memories we have made here is some of what I managed to get in there :-) (If you don’t see yourself, don’t think of it as bad but think of it as my browser failed LOL):



Hmm it’s been a while community

So I haven’t written anything in a while to the community but I thought I’d drop and say wassup at about 11:42pm been working hard on my side jobs so I haven’t had the time to catch up with my NetLife :-( oh how I miss you all so much LOL anyways off to bed now.


PS: Good luck with DST! HAHAHA SUCKERS!!!!

Oh Here are some Halloween Photos I took this year. Enjoy.

#EatTheStreet – October 28, 2011

Where else can you go to get all of the great food from all over the island, from all of the great food trucks and all in one place? EAT THE STREET BABY!!!! WOOO! Damn that was some good times tonight. Saw lots of familiar faces that I don’t see to often any more but I’m happy they all still know me.

Highlight of the night was meeting the @KINGSOFKAUKAU. Pretty cool that they knew who I was already. “I’m doggiepowers.” “OH DAS YOU!!!” Love it! Nice to know that I’m still relevant in the community LoL. Also good to hear, “you’re CharlieBoy808 right?” I think I’ve whore myself out enough yeah? LOL Oh yeah and I bought a Shirt TOO!! WOO!!

Anyways good times + good food = happy charlieboy lol

Steve Jobs

Let’s face it, I’m a PC. Always have been but that doesn’t mean that I hate Steve Jobs, I just prefer PC products. I can say that I appreciate Steve Jobs for who he was. I’m not a big fan of the iPhone, but without it I know we would have never amounted to what we have today in mobile phones. I know that if it wasn’t for the iPod the music we listen to wouldn’t be as available as it used to be. Yes I know that there are many arguments to be had here when we discuss how iTunes could have brought the downfall to Tower Records and other music distributors. We should look past that as we now realize that without that innovation we wouldn’t have the thousands of new artists popping up all over the world. Artists can now go and distribute their music without slinging it from the back of their car.

It is fair to say that competition is what breeds innovation. Innovation is a way of thinking that outside of the box, but in competition it is also asking the question, “what is it that we can do to make this better.” Without competition there is no innovation and with the loss of a great innovative mind I can only hope that there will be someone else out there to push the boundaries. Innovate, create, design, establish, just a few words that the industry is built on. Just a few words that I believe Steve Jobs was responsible for putting into today’s technology.

R.I.P. Steve Jobs

This is just a short clip I think you all should watch.

Maui Day 2 – September 01, 2011 – Maui Ocean Riders

This is the Day 2 video from our Maui vacation. In this installment of fun, we take a trip around Lana’i and do a lot of snorkeling. We did our cruise with Maui Ocean Riders. You should really check them out at their website The trip was fun, enjoyable and absolutely amazing.

Here’s the truth of it all right here. There are many snorkel trip you can take all over the islands, but what made Ocean Riders unique was the fact that it was 12 of us, plus Patty and Josh of Ocean Riders. With the other groups that we noticed there are as many as 30-100 people on those cruises. That many people on one boat? Not cool. This was a very personal, enjoyable, sensational, experience I have ever had.

Once again music credit goes out to

Hiking Adventures – Intro Video

Since the peeps in the video have been requesting it so bad, here is a short intro to what I’ve been working on. These are hikes from Koko Crater, Diamond Head (not really a hike, more like walk), and Maunawili. I plan on uploading longer clips of each hike when I get a chance to work on them all.

Now I’m uploading this here like this mostly because YouTube semi-blocked the video due to me using audio from Tron Legacy :-(

Anyways, enjoy!

It’s kinda big so bare with the download please :-)