This is my blog of broken dreams... not really. Just me posting shit to the internet. It's not all shit. Some of it is really cool shit! Parental Guidance is strongly advised. Mostly because kids might need help reading some of this shit. Shit be all fucked up.

[MWO] Trolling for TKs – Cicada X-5

Tried to troll someone into getting a Team Kill. A player disconnected on the opposing team so as I ran to cap their base I tried to bring down that player enough to where he/she would go down with a few hits. Alas my actions took to long and my team mates shot my target :-( Oh wells still fucking hilarious. —

[MWO] Seismic Isn’t Always That Effective

The thing about seismic sensor is that it can be great or it can screw you hardcore. Let’s just say in this case, it screwed me. Here I am waiting to see what is coming around the corner. It’s an Atlas. Being already committed to the position I had taken up, I rush in with UAC5s a blaze. Didn’t last more than a minute against him but I went down gloriously. —

[MWO] – How not to use your face as a shield – Ilya Muromets

This is a perfect example of how not to use your Cataphract’s face as a shield. Yes, I understand that the UAC5 does shoot constantly. However, it is probably not a good idea to just look at your enemy in the face and constantly fire. I survived though so :-P —­m_campaign=archive_export&utm_source=cha­rlieboy808&utm_medium=youtube

Gaming news update #1

Well this week I’ll be posting up gaming information with e3 this week. So be prepared for that. It’s not like I’ll have a lot to say but opinion since I’m not going to be there and more out less gathering information from other sites.

First on the agenda, XBox One having Twitch support built in. If you remember a while back I was bitching about the PS4 supporting another streaming platform (uStream). I was completely up in arms about this mostly due to the fact that Twitch is a gaming focused streaming service. Well as it stands I’m not sure who got their first, Microsoft or Sony but one of them being Microsoft got the better deal. Hopefully their disappointing reveal doesn’t steal any of the thunder that this announcement brings. This is a great feature with eSports becoming more and more popular everyday.

More to come when I get the chance to check out some headlines.