Instagram Post

Well hello folks. How goes it? It’s been a while since I posted up something here blog like. Sucks doesn’t it? Don’t you all wish I posted more? This that part where I go back and read this and realize I sound super full of myself right now LOL. Well anyways, I’m here on vacation right now in Sacramento. Actually drove here. That fucking sucked. HAHA 470 miles from Victorville, CA. That was a serious drive to say the least. It was fine though. Saw more of California that I haven’t seen yet. However, most of it was brown but whatever. Didn’t really start turning green until we hit Sacramento which was crazy. Some of you might be wonder, “Why the fuck would you go to Sacramento?” Well the short answer is this guy:
My buddy Logan is here and I haven’t visited him here in a while so I figured, why not. So the drive here was interesting. Barely over 100 miles in I needed to pee really bad so we stopped in a town that had a McDonald’s.
The toilet however had graffiti on it which was pretty depressing. I mean come McDonald’s, get these guys some new walls to write on. There was so much on the walls that they had to use the seat to tag something. So not cool for them.
Eventually I had to trade spots with Julia and let her drive for a bit because it was taking a toll on my mind. At some point we drove passed this giant field of cows. Thousands of cows. The first thought that crossed my mind? “HO BAH LIKE BEEF?!”
Finally get to Sacramento and check in to the hotel at around 6:30pm. Longest drive ever! We meet up with Logan for dinner at a place called Red Rabbit. Good stuff man. I had the Rabbit Ravioli and it was goooooood.
Julia had the Shrimp Tacos. I didn’t try it but there was a sweet chili hot sauce in the middle and holy shit they weren’t fucking around with the heat there. That sauce was fire, literally.
Logan grabbed the Red Rabbit Burger with everything. That was a monster of a meal.
After that I mentioned that we should check out Rick’s Dessert Shop for some cake as I know it was good, but Julia had never been with it being her first time in Sacramento. They didn’t disappoint. Chocolate Moose Cake for me, Tiramisu for Julia and I have no idea what Logan got but it looked good.
Sac Town is interesting though as everything you need and want is basically all within walking distance. It’s pretty cool. We basically walked from the restaurant to dessert and back again.
Later we went to check out Old Sac Town and looked at some of the really neat stores and stuff there. It was a good time all around and a great first day/night here. Stay tuned for more as I’ll be posting it up eventually. Laterz!
FUCK YEAH!!! VGHS BOX!! and I got me some new earbuds :-D Ooooohhh Yeah! Oh and I’m shirtless. Deal with it. Check out http://charlieboy808.com for more random stuff from me.