Trying out a mounted Samsung Gear 360 while diving around. It looks cool. I just need better mounts for better Canberra placement.
Author: CharlieBoy808
Is the world on fire or is it just me?
It’s hard to understand this world when it’s always a complete shit storm. Currently there are fires all along the West Coast of the country. There is a seriously terrible situation going on in Texas after Hurricane Harvey tore through. However, now there is also now Hurricane Irma that is following almost right along the same path.
It’s not as bad here but it’s still bad in it’s own way as the fires around Eagle Creek have spread well over 4800 acres. The National Weather Service said that the spread is actually going to get worse before it has a chance for it to get any better. I know that it’s stupid to think this, but Sunday morning after I had finished work, I wanted to wash my car because it was covered in dirt from all the construction going on across from my apartment. Now my car however, is covered in ash. Much like my patio is in the photo below:
I believe in California, around 19 wild fires are burning up and down the state causing serious trouble. It’s also troubling knowing that here on the West Coast we were so happy for all the snow fall/packs that happened this past winter. Now it seems a lot of that water is going to be used to try and put out the fires.
It’s so hard to grasp how bad it really truly is around the world. We have wars, poverty, hunger, natural disasters, and more that it makes me wonder if the human race was always fated to be doomed.
Oh wells. It’s like they say, “We’ll all be dead someday.”
Writing the thoughts in my head
I need to talk. I need to get the thoughts across and out of my head. My head is so full of emotion and depression that I feel like writing is the only way that I can deal with it all. We live in a time where the world is pissed at everything and everyone. We can’t agree on how to be good people. Hell some can’t even agree that we’re all human. We have people who want to murder others for being different, for preaching another religion, for money, revenge, completely stupid reasons. It’s depressing.
The only thing we can all agree on is that we want happiness. Not just happy with what we are or have at the end of the day, but just the fact that we are satisfied. The problem of course is in the how do we become happy?
A particular example is the North Korean leader. What does it take to make a psychopath happy when all he’s known growing up is that we are the bad guys? You have other countries who are trying to do the right thing for their people but are completely incapable of satisfying their needs.
The worst part about writing things down I find is that all I have is questions. I don’t have any answers. Nothing I would consider a real answer. My answer would be a fairy tale of sorts. One that could possibly be only written into a movie. The answer of mine? Just hope that everyone would just get along. What do we do to make that reality?
Collectively, we are (the human race) a species of unrefined wisdom. A wisdom of understanding that we are the species that has risen from a state of basic animal instinct. As I remember hearing in a TED talk once with Adam Savage, we are the only species on this planet has hasn’t evolved physically to fit into our environments. We more or less adapted our clothes to fit our environments.
You can’t just take a lion from an African Desert and drop it into the middle of the frozen tundra and expected to survive for very long. Through evolution, it could be possible of course but that could take some time. We as humans, we are capable of doing such things. So why is it so hard for all of us to just get along?
I think the problem doesn’t exist in our ability to adapt. We have been masters of that ability for thousands of years. I believe that it has something to do with our ability to accept. Acceptance of one another unconditionally.
I need more time to think on this and my brain is going a mile a minute so I’ll need to come back and collect my thoughts.
Till next time
Overwatch: Let’s Open Some Loot Boxes (No Duplicates?) [PC & PS4]
I’m a little confused though. I feel like there should be at least one duplicate. 102 Loot Boxes (51 on each) and not one duplicate? Something seems wrong here. — Watch live at
Patch 4.05 is Nerf the WHM Patch
Just letting out some of my grievances about the recent patch when it comes to WHMs. Now, I barely even used Plenary Indulgence but it was nice to have as an extra heal every so often. However, with the recent patch to 4.05, it has become practically useless. The recast time and the length of time a stack stays on a party member makes it go from utility to completely useless. Even if I do get it up to one or two stacks with a Medica/II (I’ll never use Cure III), most of the time the party is going to be pretty well topped off. If they need a little bit more I’d just cast Assize and that should take care of everything. The times that I do need to do massive healing with Medica/II and I use Plenary Indulgence, I’d probably need to use it again. Oh wait, 60 second cooldown. So no, not using it again. — Watch live at
Discovering how hard Shinryu is, and this is NORMAL!
Wow. I was not expecting that. So after 5 or 6 wipes, I decided to turn my stream back on after I thought I was done for the day. Leading up to this fight I thought everything was pretty straight forward in terms of dungeon difficulty. See the thing run away from the thing. See the circle thing with arrows, stack on the thing with arrows. As a White Mage, just have your Medica II ready and toss out an Assize when needed. No problem. Keep the tanks up and DPS whenever you get a chance to help out.
This fight though just said, “HAHAHAHA NOPE!! F*** YOU!! Oh, you want to do a bit of DPS? NOPE! Oh, did you want to move out of the way of that AoE? WHICH AoE?! HAHAHA I seriously didn’t have a clue as to what I was getting myself into. I just wanted to progress through the story and see the final cut scene and Save Ala Mhigo.
We did do it though. We did finish it, after another healer dropped out because his gear was all broken. LOL — Watch live at
What to do?
What’s up folks? It’s been a while since I’ve written in my blog. I have no idea who reads blogs anymore. Most of the time it’s the instant gratification of status updates on Facebook and Twitter that seem to get all of the attention these days.
Well I feel like I need to change all of that for myself and start writing again about things that matter to me. Like, for starters, why this world can’t agree on shit anymore?
Anyways, I think I’m going to start working on a daily blog again and just write some stuff about how I’m doing and what I’m thinking about.
Instagram Post
GoPro Hero 5 Time Lapse 4K (The other side)
Basically, this is just another Time lapse from the other side of my apartment patio. From this angle it’s pretty easy to tell that ProTune can’t fight the light pollution from the lights around my apartment. Still cool though.
Music: Timothy Seals – Silent Thunder (MW2 Cover):
GoPro Timelapse 24 Hour 4K
Re-Upload since I accidently deleted the video. Anyways, here’s a short clip of a 26 Hour time lapse at a 30 second interval. It looks so cool with the clouds soaring through the air. Now I need to see if it looks better on the GoPro 5 but I’ll be trying it soon.
Music: Timothy Seals – Pyre Light (MW2 Cover):