#POTD 030/366: More catch up. After a long day at the office and a tower site run (where I was defeated my a rack mount) I was craving a slightly home style comfort food. It’ll never replace Patti’s Kitchen, but Panda’s is close enough. Anyways, I get to a table to eat and they have these things on the table. Now I get the marketing ploy here as Panda Express is familiar to American audiences, but what about @baohausnyc? Do they get any love? LOL

via IFTTT https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/e35/12552493_1558424584482233_1093240216_n.jpg

About CharlieBoy808

This is my blog of broken dreams... not really. Just me posting shit to the internet. It's not all shit. Some of it is really cool shit! Parental Guidance is strongly advised. Mostly because kids might need help reading some of this shit. Shit be all fucked up.
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