The Rumored PSP Phone… Now what?

Warning: This is going to be a dorky post… so I apologize in the beginning LoL

So what do we have here? A video of the rumored Sony PSP Phone?


Before all we saw were photos of the rumored device, but now there is video of a working device. Now the question in my mind is “WHEN DOES THIS GET RELEASED!!!” This is of course for good reason, it is a new PSP. Me being a Sony Fanboy, I must admit I want this phone. However, I have a better reason to want this really bad.

Right now I am using a Samsung Vibrant that is beyond a doubt great. Well, maybe a little doubt. The screen isĀ  awesome. The amount of on-board storage space has no one else to compete with besides the iPhone. The speed of the device is epic at 1GHz. The image sensor for the camera is basically spot on.

Where it falls off though is in support. You may be wondering, “what’s the big deal about support?” and in my defense I can only assume that you bought your phone and just use it for what it is. The thing is though (especially with Android devices) that phone you have can do so much more. Manufacturing companies also have a problem where a device can have a few problems and updates need to be sent to the phone to fix these issues. This is where Samsung has failed me.

In a recent podcast on Engadget’s website, they talked about going to a Samsung convention. There they talked to a representative of Samsung and asked a simple question, “Why are your new devices coming out with Android 2.1 and not 2.2?” To that he replied, “We see 2.2 as a marketing idea and not a solution.”

If you don’t know Android 2.2 or Froyo, is the most recent stable update of the Android operating system. This update came with many new features and can improve the phone’s speed and capabilities tremendously. The part that is frustrating is that Samsung has had many bugs on this phone that need to be fixed yet only after six months has one serious issue been fixed.

So lets get back on topic here, the PSP Phone is still a rumored device that just got a little more real with the release of the video above. The question looming over my head right now is, do I leave the happy land of SuperAMOLED and go to Sony? As most gamers know, a gaming console has it’s firmware constantly updated and upgraded. Whether it be new features or fixing and issue. What I’m seeing here though is greener pastures. I know that there will be bugs with a Sony device, but at least I know that they’ll give a s**t about their customer base.

The only other problem I have is not knowing when this device will come out LoL. I don’t get an upgrade till April and hopefully there will be a T-Mobile model that I can get an upgrade from with support for HSPA+!!!

Imagine if you will a mobile gaming unit with the ability to get 17mb down and 5mb up to play games over cell service!!

Ok dork moment over you may go back to your lives now.

About CharlieBoy808

This is my blog of broken dreams... not really. Just me posting shit to the internet. It's not all shit. Some of it is really cool shit! Parental Guidance is strongly advised. Mostly because kids might need help reading some of this shit. Shit be all fucked up.
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